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How My Hotel Business Grew From Making Ksh 1,000 to Ksh 10,000 Per Day

I am one of those people who believe in hard work and that is what I have practiced over time. But one thing happened to me last year which I want to mention. 

I never thought I could engage someone to help me grow my business but circumstances forced me to. I started an hotel in Kisumu near Kondele.It was in 2014.

The capital for this business was Ksh 1.5 million, which I believed could bring something substantial. One week into starting the business, I was happy customers were flowing in.I started making profits and in a day I would make up to Ksh 3,000.

I continued to do the business and I was excited it was picking up. From Monday to Saturday, the hotel was full with customers and it reached a time even sitting space was a problem especially during lunch hours. 

In 2016, I experienced the worst nightmare. A building which was under construction was successfully completed.

It was situated directly opposite my hotel. I thought it would house people who could buy from my hotel only to discover that ground floor had been taken by an individual who would later set up a hotel. I was upset. Lost for words and almost closed mine.

The restaurant was opened in October 2016.when it started operating, I felt the impact. My hotel, which had a constant income of Ksh 3,000-Ksh5, 000 per day dropped in revenue to less than Ksh800.I thought the situation would could with time but as days went by, my profits dimmed. At one point I thought of closing the business but my passion dictated otherwise.


Business Spells And How They Work

I have always dreamed of running a successful business, but I faced many challenges and obstacles along the way.

No matter how hard I worked, I could not attract enough customers, make enough sales, or earn enough profit. I felt like I was stuck in a rut, and nothing seemed to work for me. 

That was until I discovered the business spells by Mugwenu Doctor. Mugwenu Doctor is a renowned traditional healer who uses his ancestral powers to cast spells that can help people with various problems, such as love, money, health, and protection.

One of his specialties is business spells, which can boost sales, attract new customers, and overcome business challenges.

I decided to give his business spells a try, and I contacted him through his website. He asked me some questions about my business, and advised me on the best spell for my case. He also told me the cost of the spell, and how to perform the ritual.

He said that his business spells are very powerful, and can work within 30 days. He also said that his spells are safe, and do not have any negative side effects.

However, he warned me that I should only use his spells for genuine reasons, and not to harm anyone. He also advised me to have faith and patience, and let the spells do their work.


I followed his instructions, and performed the ritual. I used a green candle, a picture of my business, and some herbs that he sent me. I also recited some words that he taught me. I felt a surge of energy, and a sense of confidence. I thanked him, and waited for the results.

To my surprise, I started to notice some changes in my business. I began to receive more inquiries, more orders, and more referrals. My sales increased, and so did my profit. My customers were happy, and loyal. My competitors were amazed, and envious. My business was thriving, and growing.

I am so grateful to Mugwenu Doctor for his business spells. They have changed my life, and my business. I recommend his services to anyone who wants to succeed in business, and achieve their goals. He is the real deal, and he delivers. Thank you, Mugwenu Doctor!


One evening, as I was sharing my story with a friend,she informed me of a solution,which I wasn’t much comfortable with but since I was desperate,I resolved to give it a try.Mama Atieno,as we commonly refer her to, introduced me to Dr mugwenu,who she told me would overturn the misfortunes. 

When I called,we talked about my issue and the traditional herbalist gave me an appointment.

But before I went for the solution,I checked details about the Dr,which I would like to share:

Contact herbalist Dr. Mugwenu via


I also noticed several top blogs have written much about the Dr.After getting satisfied with positive reviews of the herbalist, I decided to honour the appointment.

To cut the story short, I got help from him and my daily revenue shot to more than Ksh10, 000 per day.

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