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Commotion and pandemonium as Nationals from all over Seek Healers services

 It was total commotion in kenya last Saturday as more than 15,000 persons from all over the world started streaming in for healing.


Nationals of Tanzania, South Africa, Uganda, Congo, Rwanda and many more countries including European countries thronged a Village in Kenya seeking attention of from a powerful licensed traditional healer.


"I arrived in Kenya two days ago after I was tipped about this traditional healer.


"For a very long time, I have had challenges with my marriage. My man has been cheating quite a lot. I want the doctor to help save my collapsing marriage," Antonia from South Africa shared with the media.


Another man from Uganda said he came to get Good Luck Spells from Dr. Kiwanga so that he can get a job. He had never been lucky securing a job four years since his graduation.

 "I just want a job. I know the doctor will cast Good Luck Spells for me and all will be well. I know of three people among them my sister who were assisted by the same African doctor," Agubasave from Kampala Uganda shared.

 A cross check by the media established that the doctor has healed so many people and families from across the globe.

 Kianga Doctors Number +254769404965

 People have got good jobs, promotions, money, wives and husbands etc after getting help from the medicine man.

 As usual, Kiwanga Doctors exercise doctor-client confidentiality; neither client’s file records, identity nor secrets will be shared to a third party or made public unless otherwise client/s on their own volition wishes to give a testimony!!

By Kiwanga


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