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Pastor Dorcas launches tournament targeting reforming addicts


The Spouse of the Deputy President Pastor Dorcas Rigathi has launched a football tournament targeting reforming and reformed addicts from alcoholism, drugs and substance abuse at the Mutuini Grounds in Dagoreti South Nairobi.

The teams have been formed from some of the men who have undergone rehabilitation under Pastor Dorcas’ boy-child program in various parts of the country.

Some of the men who were not severely affected by the drugs and substance underwent a 1-months rehabilitation program at the ASK Jamhuri Showground in Nairobi.

Another cohort underwent a 3-months rehab program in various rehabilitation centers.

Speaking after inaugurating the tournament Pastor Dorcas said the tournament is intended at helping in the fight against alcoholism, drugs and substance abuse across the country.

She lauded the men who have successfully undergone the rehabilitation program urging them to push on to the end.

“I have seen you struggle from withdrawal from the drugs and substance, I have seen you through the journey but you must fight to the end,” Pastor Dorcas urged the reforming addicts.

Pastor Dorcas has promised to place those who successfully complete the rehabilitation cycle in jobs. Some of those who have completed the program have already been placed in different job opportunities and other empowerment programs across the country.

The men were identified from a screening program that was conducted last year where those who were severely addicted were taken for a rehabilitation program fully sponsored by Pastor Dorcas Rigathi.

She urged parliament to consider a fund that will cater for rehabilitation of the addicts saying the program is very expensive.

“We intend to have this tournament grow and spread in the entire country and change the lives of millions of our boys. This will be a great score for the fight against drugs and substance abuse. We must say no to drugs,” Pastor Dorcas said.

Pastor Dorcas called for a combined effort by government agencies in the fight against drugs and substance abuse for a transformed society.

“I will not tire until the boychild has a voice and a dignified future. We need a safe community for both a boy and a girl. It is time to change, it is time to have an equal society, it is time for the boy and the girl to walk together side by side,” Pastor Dorcas said.

Dagoretti South MP John Kiarie hailed the program for transforming the lives of youth who have suffered from drug addiction.

“If you look at these men it is evident that the rehabilitation program is working. I have seen some of them in their worst conditions and I can say there is hope in these faces. These were talents that were going to waste,” Kiarie said.

“These are not just numbers, each one of these is representing a family that was crying of a son getting lost,” he added.

The MP also promised to incorporate the teams in his ongoing greening program as well as involving them in his constituency jobs urging them to maintain sobriety.

One of the parents of the boys who have benefited from the program could not hide her joy saying she is now proud of her son.

Jane Mwangi popularly known as Mama Wanjira said before the Dorcas Rigathi program, she was shy of identifying herself with her 22-Year-old son Francis who was addicted to drugs.

“Before this program it was very hard for me to allow anyone to call me Mama Francis, because he (Francis Karanja) was not in the best state. But since this program came, I have seen a different Francis,” she said.

Dagoreti DCC Jared Ratemo said the local administration will work around the clock to fight those selling and distributing illicit brew, drugs and other substances in the area.

He lauded the transformation of the men who were taken for a rehabilitation program by Pastor Dorcas.Others present included MCAs Eric Kiogora (Riruta Ward), Hon.Peter Maina Aka Osama (Uthiru/Ruthimitu Ward) and local MCA Martin Mbugua (Mutuini Ward)

During the launch Kaa Sober team beat Chini ya Mnazi 3-0.


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