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ODM losing ground to UDA in Nyanza, Obado declares


Former Migori Governor Okoth Obado has warned that the Orange Democratic Movement, led by Raila Odinga, is walking a tightrope in Nyanza Region.

Obado, a close ally of President William Ruto, says the party, he once belonged, will soon be thrown into political oblivion. This is especially true in an area considered its stronghold.

The Ex-County Chief insists that the ruling party is gaining ground on the opposition outfit. He claims its popularity will soon surpass that of the Orange party.

“Let it be known that come 2027, the wave of UDA will sweep ODM (in Nyanza region) wapende wasipende. That is the reality on the ground,” declared Obado

According to Obado, ODM has outlived its usefulness and was no longer the political juggernaut it was.

“UDA is here (Nyanza) to stay. Hapa Migori tukienda kupiga kura saizi, UDA iko na over 60% upende usipende,” he said

He asked dissatisfied political leaders and party members to ditch the party in favor of the President’s outfit.

“I know people like Junet Mohamed and others are looking for a chance to get into government, they must not vilify this government,” he said

He also said that UDA will keep recruiting members from the region. He said ODM cannot stop the exercise.

“They must not cheat themselves, they must stop the kind of incitements and threats they are issuing to our people, like those made by Siaya governor James Orengo,” he charged,

BY  Celestine Mwango

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