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List of Kitui Sub-Counties with their wards and population


Even though the county’s capital is Kitui town, it has other significant towns, such as Mwingi. Generally, the dominant tribe is the Kamba, but people from different tribes, such as Luo, Kikuyu, Kalenjin, Meru, and Somali, reside in the county, making it cosmopolitan. The county is the fourteenth most populated in Kenya, with approximately 1,136,187 residents distributed in the eight Kitui sub-counties. What is Kitui County known for? The county is known for its endowment of minerals. Fourteen different types of minerals are found within its borders, with coal having the largest deposit in Mui. It also has gypsum around Mwingi. The county's main economic activity is agriculture, with crops such as maize, sorghum, millet, pigeon peas, and cassava grown on small-scale farms for subsistence. Its climate is also conducive to livestock rearing, especially cattle and goats. Kitui sub-counties and wards How many sub-counties are in Kitui? The county is divided into eight sub-counties, consisting of 40 smaller administration units called wards. According to the 2019 census report, the county’s population is approximately 1,136,187. Below are sub-counties and a list of wards in Kitui County. 1. Kitui South sub-county It covers an area of approximately 6,147 square kilometres with a population of about 1196,320. It is the largest by area and population among the eight sub-counties. The sub-county has five wards listed below. Athi Ikutha/Kasaala Kanziko Mutomo Ikanga/Kyatune Mutha 2. Kitui East sub-county With a population of about 123,290 people, Kitui East sub-county sits on an area of about 5,133 square kilometres. It is the second-largest sub-county in Kitui by area. The following six wards constitute it.  Large trucks and vehicles driving along a highway. Zombe/Mwitika Mutito/Kaliku Nzambani Chuluni Endau/Malalani Voo/Kyamatu 3. Mwingi North sub-county Mwingi North sub-county comes third in Kitui county in terms of area of land covering approximately 4,824 square kilometres. Its population is estimated to be 162,218. It comprises five wards. Tseikuru Kyuso Mumoni Tharaka Ngomeni 4. Mwingi Central sub-county Mwingi Central sub-county is the second most populous in Kitui County, with approximately 194,426 inhabitants. Its area of land is estimated to be 4,151 square kilometres. The sub-county is divided into six wards. Central Kivou Nguni Nuu Mui Waita 5. Kitui Rural sub-county The fifth-largest sub-county in Kitui is Kitui Rural, with an estimated area of 1,558 square kilometres. It is the second-least populous sub-county, having a population of 109,471. It is made up of four wards. Kisasi Mbitini Kwa Vonza\Wote Kanyangi 6. Mwingi West sub-county Mwingi West sub-county has the smallest population in Kitui, with approximately 79,255 residents. It sits on an area of land measuring about 1,080 square kilometres. It comprises four wards. Migwani Nguutani Kyome/Thaana Kiomo/Kyethani 7. Kitui West sub-county The sub-county's area of land is approximately 668 square kilometres, making it one of the smallest in the county. Despite being the smallest by area, it is not the least populated, as it has about 118,682 residents. It is made up of four wards. Corn field. Photo: Frank Rothe Source: Getty Images Matinyani Kwa Mutonga/ Kithumula Kauwi Mutonguni 8. Kitui Central sub-county Kitui Central has an area of land almost equal to Kitui West. It is about 668 square kilometres, and its population estimate is 153,099. It is constituted by four wards. Kyangwithya East Kyangwithya West Township Miambani Wrapping up Kitui is one of the eight counties in the former Eastern province region. There are eight Kitui sub-counties with 40 wards. According to the 2019 census conducted in Kenya, it is the fourteenth most populated county in the country, with approximately 1,136,187 people, and covers about 24,385 square kilometres.  Do you know all the 47 counties in Kenya and their county codes? recently published a detailed compilation of all counties and their codes. After promulgating the new constitution, Kenya embraced devolution, which saw it have 47 counties, each with a code that identifies it. The codes can be confusing if you are not familiar with them. 

by  Simon Ayub

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