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7 Signs you are ready to get into a relationship according to Sam West


2024 is a year many are optimistic about especially when it comes to matters of relationships.

The biggest challenge is however the fear of being heartbroken.

The big question is how do you know you are ready for a relationship?

Here is how according to Sam West

1. You understand the importance of communication

A relationship without communication is as good as dead.

It is important to understand when to talk and when to listen. It means you are ready for a relationship.

2. You are not looking for someone to complete you

By the time you are getting into a relationship, you should have healed and embraced yourself.

This helps ensure that your happiness or growth is not penned on your partner.

3. You don't have too many expectations form 

It is good to have realistic expectations.

Having too many expectations might leave you disappointed if such are not met.

4. Ready to compromise

It is important to understand that your partner

5. You know how to be alone

6. You have moved on from your ex

Broken people hurt people, hence it's important to heal from your past.

7. Ready to open up your heart and be vulnerable

You might have been heartbroken before, but the fact that you want to love and be loved means you are ready for a relationship.


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