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Ministry of Health to Collaborate with stakeholders to accelerate Universal Health Coverage


Stakeholders in the health sector have committed to support the government in its efforts to bolster health systems aimed at implementing sustainable solutions   towards promoting Universal Health Coverage.

Carolyne Njuguna, who serves as the Director of PATH’s East Africa Hub and concurrently as the PATH Kenya Country Director, said discussions have been underway to explore avenues for enhancing collaboration with the ministry of health, focusing on strengthening the policy environment and the implementation of Primary Health Care (PHC) initiatives.

During a meeting with health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumincha, Njuguna said Primary health care will address health services crucial in preventing diseases such as diarrhoea,malaria and zoonotic disease outbreaks caused by climate change.

Lauding the Ministry of Health’s achievements, PATH highlighted the successful training and deployment of 248 Primary Care Network master trainers to all 47 counties across the country.

“PATH Kenya remains committed to supporting government health priorities and will continue working closely with the Ministry of Health in the UHC roll-out in Kenya,” said Njuguna.


 Gene Gituku


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