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Boda boda rider jailed for 40 years for defiling minor


A motor cyclist who defiled a minor he had offered a lift in Gem Yala sub county has been jailed for 40 years by a Siaya court.

Morris Obondo, alias Japolo, was sent to prison by Siaya Magistrate Benjamin Limo who found him guilty of committing the offence in February last year.


Obondo was accused of committing the offence on February 20, 2022 in Sirembe, North Gem location.

According to the prosecution, the accused who was riding a motor cycle on the material day, met the nine year old minor who was heading to the market and offered her lift as he was heading to the same direction.

The prosecution told the court that on reaching Sirembe market, Obondo did not stop and instead sped off.

“When the victim inquired why he was not stopping, he replied that he wanted to pick something at home before coming back to drop her,” the prosecution told the court.

The court heard that instead of going to his home, the accused rode for a distance past Sirembe market and dragged his victim to a thicket where he defiled her.

It is the minor’s cries that attracted the attention of youths to the scene where they found the accused in the act.

As the youth were coming to terms with what they saw, the accused took off, the court heard.

The unrelenting youth however took up the matter with the village elder who coordinated with the area administration and the police to apprehend the culprit.

In his judgment, Magistrate Limo said the prosecution had proved its case and ordered Obondo to serve a 40 year jail term.

Meanwhile, a Ugandan citizen who defiled a three year old minor was sentenced to serve a 30 year jail term.

Jackson Imagoi, alias Tororo, was accused of committing the offence on 11th December, 2022 at Ndere area within the outskirts of Siaya town.

The court heard that child had been left in the home by the parents who went to the market but upon coming back, found her missing.

Upon enquiry, the court heard, the mother was told that the child had gone to see her grandmother.

But when the mother was preparing to go and fetch her, she was surprised to see the minor emerging from the accused’s house, with a pawpaw fruit.

Upon interrogation, the court was told; the minor complained of pain in her private parts and upon interrogation, said that the accused was responsible.    BY KBC NEWS   

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