The angel in question is one Sam Vidambu, a philanthropist driving from Eldoret to Nairobi when he stopped to buy Irish potatoes (waru). Trader was struggling Vidambu told that it all started when he struck up a conversation with the trader and asked her the price of one bucket of potatoes. The woman not only told him that it was KSh 300 but also disclosed that she had only sold one unit since morning. “I asked her about her family and she told me that she was in an abusive relationship, which she decided to quit. She stays with her four kids, and the man doesn’t support her,” Vidambu said. Asked why she didn’t have a stall to display her merchandise, the hawker revealed that she lacked the required capital. Trader got emotional She further explained that a stall requires about KSh 4,000 to build, upon which Vidambu took KSh 10,000 from his wallet and told her to use it for the business. The kindhearted man expressed that he decided to uplift the businesswoman because she was alone on the road. “Mostly, they are around three or four, but she was all alone. She was very happy. She hugged me and didn’t want me to go, then said ‘God bless you’ over 10 times,” he recalled. Vidambu expresses that he was deeply moved by the woman’s emotional response when he played a crucial role in fulfilling her dream. BY TUKO NEWS