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Wetangula urges Kenyans to unite amid tough economic times


National Assembly speaker Moses Wetangula has called on Kenyans to unite amid hard economic times.

Speaking Danisa village in Garsen constituency where he commissioned a secondary school, Wetangula assured of government’s commitment to address recurring challenges of insecurity, land disputes and marginalization.


Wetangula said Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki will soon tour the area in an effort to resolve security challenges in Tana River County.

“I have talked to the CS of interior Kithure Kindiki and he has told me that he will come here to talk to you on how you can better your security,” he said.

The Speaker underscored the significance of the National Government Fund Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF) in building of schools to promote education at the constituency level.

Wetangula reiterated the need for affirmative action in marginalized areas and stressed the potential of Tana River County as a food basket for Kenya.

“We want to turn Tana River from a county in need to a county that gives,” he stated.

He was accompnaied by Tana River Senator Danson Mungatana, MPs Ali Wario of Garsen, Majimbo Kalasinga of Kabuchai and Ruweida Mohamed of Lamu East among other leaders. BY KBC NEWS   

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