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Walt Baby Love Inspires The Youth During Kenya Visit: The Future Is In Your Hands


 Renowned radio host and Capital FM presenter Reverend Walt Shaw, widely known as Walt Baby Love, delivered an inspiring message to Kenya’s youth, encouraging them to actively engage in technology and leverage social media platforms for the country’s economic advancement.

Speaking at a business event held at Romo House in Nairobi, Reverend Walt emphasized the untapped potential within Kenya’s young population, which constitutes a significant majority of the nation.

 “The youth in Kenya should understand that it is their turn to step up and take the nation to a higher level. They need to get skills. You are always going to need plumbers because there is always going to be a problem with drainage,” he said.

He urged Kenyan youth to recognize their role in elevating the nation, highlighting the importance of acquiring skills relevant to emerging industries. Reverend Shaw emphasized the enduring demand for professions like plumbing and also encouraged youth to explore opportunities related to sustainability in the context of the global conversation on climate change.

“Now there are electric cars because we are talking about climate change. These are opportunities where youth in Kenya in my opinion needs to get involved,” he said at the event.

Reverend Walt’s insights resonated with businessman Dr. Peter Odero, who admired Walt’s unique blend of business acumen and deep religious roots, making him a valuable mentor for those entering the business world. Odero noted the event’s significance in bringing together accomplished Kenyan businesspeople, providing them with the opportunity to learn from the wisdom of Reverend Walt.

“It has been such a pleasure. I have seen people who are executives become like little children in a minute they meet the person who they have grown up with. We have people here with huge businesses. Those kinds of people have come,” said Odero, adding that the event provided an opportunity for Kenyan business people who are resilient to learn from a wise old man.

Reverend Walt Shaw, a household name and the host of Capital FM’s long-running radio show, “The Countdown,” is visiting Kenya for a one-week holiday.

His message serves as a call to action for Kenya’s youth to actively participate in shaping the nation’s future through technology and sustainable practices.  BY CAPITAL NEWS  

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