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Dead Capital: Blogger Pauline Njoroge Impressed by Luxurious Haciendas in Nyanza Villages


The idea came about after opponents of building in the villages termed the move ill advised, adding that the money spent on village houses was wasted. Among those who have joined the bandwagon is vocal political blogger Pauline Njoroge, who shared her opinion on Facebook. Site to behold Pauline disclosed that she has been following the conversation around the Dead Capital hashtag and the houses in Nyanza are a site to behold.  She noted that apart from the houses, most of the their towns are very clean, well organised, and dot nice buildings. Wait until you land in Central Kenya towns, it's the complete opposite. A place like Maragwa town has no bank. But we will be here bragging that we are smart businesspeople," she wrote. Pauline revealed that she keeps imagining how things would be like if Nyanza was part of what was called the white highlands where the colonialists invested in good schools early in the days. Or that it was close to the capital city like Central Kenya and had had the opportunity to produce three presidents. Central should smell the coffee Pauline's sentiments were echoed by her fans who opined that Central needs to wake up from the old notion that other counties are lagging behind economically. Hellen Gatuku: "Just imagine how a place like Tigoni in Limuru would look like if Luos were the people surrounded by so many white settlers." John Tiger: "Not many are ready for this conversation. Central Kenya being economically ahead is a tired notion. I used to think the same until I visited Nyanza and Western Kenya." Victor Tebiko: "I was in Kisumu last year for a week. I realised the large populace have no business in town but in the outskirts. This leaves the inner city clean, decongested and with fresh air." Carol Wa Davie: "Umeenda sana. Look at Nyeri town or even Nyahururu. No planning, just old houses kiosks everywhere." Nyanza builds better Her post comes a day after there was friendly banter on social media comparing architecture in Central and Nyanza. "The #DeadCapitalChallenge thread currently trending on Home Beautiful has made many realize that having one of your own in power contributes nothing in individual progress/development," one member wrote. Watu ya Mûrima, hakuna mwenye ako na picha ya nyumba ya Uhunye huko Ichaweri ashtue nayo hao Omeras (People from the mountain there is no one who has a picture even one belonging to president Uhuru Kenyatta to unleash?)" another added. The trend effectively challenges the perception of these areas as having 'dead capital' in the real estate market.   BY TUKO NEWS  

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