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CS Owalo urges Nyanza women to utilize affirmative funds


Cabinet Secretary for Information, Communication, and the Digital Economy, Eliud Owalo has challenged women in Siaya County to take advantage of the government’s Bottom–up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) to uplift the region economically.

Owalo spoke on Staurday at his Asembo home in Rarieda sub-county, where he led a team of senior officials from the Ministry of Cooperatives, Small and Micro Enterprises and Ministry of Mining and Blue Economy in sensitizing Women groups on the available opportunities.

Owalo said the government has dedicated several funds and programs to enable Kenyans venture in economic empowerment activities to uplift their living standards.

Owalo said there was need for locals from the region to form organized groups and leverage on the economies of scale to benefit from government programs.

Addressing the occasion, an official from the office of the president’s advisor on women affairs, Sylvia Mwichuli lamented that the rate at which the locals were applying for funds set aside by the government was very low in the region.

Mwichuli said other regions had benefitted immensely from such funds and urged Siaya women not to lag behind.

The chairman of the lake victoria south water works development agency, Odoyo Owidi called on the residents to support the government which, he added, was committed to serving all the regions equally.

The event was also attended by former police spokesman, Charles Owino, former Kisumu governor, Jack Ranguma and former legislators, Martin Ogindo, Elizabeth Ongoro and Rose Nyamunga among others.   BY KBC NEWS  

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