Prince Indah’s unforgettable show In partnership with Ramogi FM, the renowned musician hosted the monumental Malaika Musical’s Festival at Mamboleo Stadium on Saturday, September 17, in Kisumu. The event, which was a one-of-a-kind experience, saw the Mama Watoto hitmaker delivering a show-stopping performance that left the crowd charged with excitement. Taking to social media after the event, the dedicated musician couldn’t contain his joy and gratitude. He expressed that the dream he had envisioned had become a reality. In his own words, he said; “What else can I say? You asked for it, and my fans gave the answer on my behalf. Kisumu City came to a standstill courtesy of #TeamJanabi. Glory be to God! This is a dream come true. Thank You! Thank You.” Is this the largest crowd in Ohangla history? One of Indah’s fans took to social media to praise the artiste and asserted that it could be the largest crowd ever gathered for a single musician in Kenya. “This must be the biggest crowd a single musician has ever pulled in Kenya. Prince Indah has finally mainstreamed Ohangla.” Fans react to Prince Indah’s historic show While some fans supported the notion that Indah’s performance had made history, others engaged in friendly disputes. Here are the ones who supported it. Sharon Awuor “This is massive. No other artist in Kenya can pull this.” Millicent Loren Achieng Ayah “One thing, l love his fairly disciplined self.” Hon. Michael Siambe: “This is true. Maybe who can Pull such a crowd is Koffi Olomide.” Nico Denico: “Ohangla is the best music in Kenya right now; this is the biggest stadium in Kisumu, full of ohangla fans from all over the country. Big up, Prince Indah.” Here are those who had contrary opinions: Moses Fumbit: “Prince Indah, in collaboration with Ramogi FM, didn’t host the event so that they can be compared to anyone for rankings or for discussion on who’s loved. So, we should learn to appreciate a job well done and let it pass” Jim Philip: “This was a Ramogi FM affair without the broadcast; this wouldn’t be as you see; it was more of Ramogi than Indah and also know other musicians were also invited and performed at the said event.” Cde Rosco: “Emma Jalamoo used to pull twice that crowd around 2017.” Prince Indah spotted with KSh 73k watch On Friday, September 15, Citizen TV aired an interview with the artiste ahead of the Kisumu concert. Footage captured during the interview depicted Indah looking at the timepiece on his wrist before the camera eventually zoomed in. He wore a Diesel watch with the inscription 70 bar. looked up the watch and found a similar one for a mouth-watering sum. Indah’s watch costs around KSh 73,000. BY TUKO NEWS