Whos is the mysterious Kenyan ‘ghost rider’? The daredevil going by @Bike_Siege on Instagram, often shares videos speeding along public roads while leaning into corners. He intentionally keeps his face hidden by always recording himself wearing a helmet. A recent online video depicted him attaining inconceivable speed along a busy road. The clip showed him weaving around vehicles along the busy road as a face-mounted camera captured the speedometer. He reached 280km/h but slowed down due to traffic. However, soon after, he gunned the superbike, seeking the elusive 300 km/h. He finally attained the speed a short distance later and slowed down. The speed took aback many Kenyans, while others highlighted the dangers he exposed himself to. okoth_boris: “Then you will hear some people blaming village witches for his death.” _abdi_qadir: “All that speed, and he did not go to see our heavenly father.” aseno_churchil: “Life is only meaningful when you don’t have it.” 763child: “Crazy. He does not fear death.” mbugguah_david: “Adrenaline can be really addictive, I used to do the same when I was younger. Just be careful, boy!” kenyan_tallest: “Maybe he has a spare life somewhere.” mahaliam_jey_jey: “Imagine if he found a maize cob on the road. Wouldn’t we have a funeral?” silvah_mistarish: “Slight mistake = Zion.” almin_jr_: “That guy is the true ghost rider. He should be rewarded.” BY TUKO NEWS