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Tuwei Says No Pressure For Team Kenya In Budapest


Athletics Kenya (AK) president Jackson Tuwei has backed Team Kenya to shine at the World Athletics Championships that kicks off next weekend in Budapest, Hungary.

While Kenya will be seeking to improve on her performance in last year’s event held in Oregon, USA, Tuwei has also cautioned Kenyans against heaping pressure on the team.

“During the past 18 editions of the World Championships, Kenya sits second on the medal list just behind the US.

While these athletes have prepared well for the championship, ours is to wish them well to pray for them and we allow them to compete without any pressure.

Tuwei who spoke on Thursday during the flagging off of the team by the Cabinet Secretary of Sports Ababu Namwamba also warned the athletes against violating anti-doping rules.

“Please go and compete clean, win clean and come back home clean,” Tuwei said.

His sentiments were echoed by CS Namwamba who urged athletes to fly high the flag of Kenya while running clean.

 “You know that our mantra is zero tolerance to doping. Our legendary athletes have set a record of competing and winning clean. You have good examples to follow including David Rudisha and Milcah Chemos who ran clean and are now your officials,” he said.

At the same time, Namwamba said the government will increase allowances as a way to motivate the athletes as they depart for Budapest.

“Even as you go, I would like to let you know that your allowances both local and overseas have been revised significantly because we want our athletes to be comfortable both here at home when they are preparing and when they are out there when they are competing for us,” said Namwamba.

The team that has been in camp for the past month will travel to Budapest in batches beginning on Monday.   BY CITIZEN DIGITAL

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