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MPs probe claims teachers no longer get funeral expenses cash


MPs have initiated investigations into claims that the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) no longer provides funds to cover funeral expenses for teachers or their dependents in the event of bereavement.

Emuhaya MP Omboko Milemba claimed funeral expenses are no longer paid to teachers or their dependents after bereavement under the new medical scheme with AON Minet.

AON Minet is an insurance provider and was once again contracted to provide medical insurance cover to over 318,000 teachers and their dependants under TSC.

Omboko, who sought a statement from the commission, wants TSC to explain the scope of Group Life and Last Expense medical covers provided for teachers under AON Minet.

“Enumerate measures instituted to expedite operationalisation of the medical scheme for teachers under AON Minet,” he stated.

Tiaty MP Kassait Kamket however wondered how TSC would respond to the questions since the Standing Orders do not allow Chief Executive Officers to answer questions on the floor of the House.

“I will help Omboko. We have a supplement to the Standing Orders that allow questions to the independent commissions to be responded to in the committees,” Temporary Speaker Martha Wangari stated.

Teachers employed by Recruitment, Training and Support Center (RTSC and actively in service are eligible to be covered under the Minet Teachers’ Medical Scheme as Principal Members. As thus, all teachers benefit from the medical cover as they are covered.    BY THE STAR  

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