Content creator Brenda Jons is educating her followers on Instagram on the meaning of forgiveness.
Jons who has in the past spoken about turning a new leaf said that forgiveness doesn’t come automatically. She gave an example of her past life referring to it as ugly and that she cringed every time she remembered it.
Read her letter to her followers;
I literally thought knowing Christ simply means humility comes as an added advantage 😂 until He asked me to pray for those who had hurt me before and even now and that’s when I knew it doesn’t just come automatically,I have to actively work on myself even as I walk with God 😭
I’m one who forgives easily but forgetting becomes such a burden for me 😔 because I tend to bring up that pain over and over,in conversations,in prayer,in my thoughts and one time in my quiet time I began to remember my past; oh how ugly it is,how ashamed I honestly feel about it before God,how far gone I was and in that moment God asked me how I felt about it despite me knowing I was forgiven;how it felt when I was reminded of it?!I cringed and asked if we could like never revisit and He said,”that’s how it feels when you forgive but don’t forget.
“He said,”I have forgiven you and forgotten all you’ve done ,as if you’ve never done it. I said I made you a NEW creation ,the word NEW means WITH NO HISTORY…that’s how much I have let go of your past,apply the same grace to others ” At this point,I’m wailing because I’ve just realized that not only have I not forgotten, I’ve actually not forgiven at all,I just thought I did because it’s what I’m supposed to do…
My point is, forgiveness doesn’t have to be a one day thing,as christians we tend to think it’s a snap of a finger and it’s done,just because it’s what we think we are supposed to do:instead,it’s okay to acknowledge that,it is a process and it is hard but be willing to try everyday ,keep praying for those who hurt you,it may be the hardest task but the more you pray for them,the more you’re able to let go .
Holy spirit,I have shared as you directed, I ask that you may convict a soul that is struggling and do only what you can do for them,Amen 🙏