Unlike back in the day most people are now dying young.
The deaths are mostly caused by road accidents, and lifestyle diseases such as Hypertension, High Blood Pressure, and Heart attacks among other things.
Although death is frowned upon it is not such a bad idea to take steps and prepare for death especially if you are terminally ill.
Some of those things include
Knowing that one might day makes one realize the many things one might have procrastinated among them traveling.
If your doctor has already told you, you don’t have long to live travel as much as you can and create as many memories with the people you love.
The traveling does not have to be international, it can be local.
Write a will
You do not have to wait till you are on your deathbed for you to leave a will.
A will is important, but it is stronger when written by a person of sound mind. This reduces the chances of it being contested in court.
Further, you do not want your spouse and your parents and siblings fighting over what you left behind.
Spend more time with people who matter
It is important to spend time with people who matter to you.
But knowing you might die fuels the need to spend more time with them, this includes doing lunches, dinners, or barbecues.
Do as many photoshoots as you can
Dying is an eventuality we cannot avoid.
But we can choose to leave enough memories for those we live behind by taking as many photos and videos as we can.
The photos can be framed or stored in a place where they can be accessed and printed at a later date.
Show your next of kin where your investments are
We have seen people die and their hard-earned investments go to waste as no one knew about it.
You do not have to show everybody, you can whoever chose a few people you can trust.
it would be a shame for you to invest in your family only for them to end up in the streets.
Eat whatever you crave
Don’t they say tutapewa mwili mpya mbinguni? (We will be given a new body in heaven.)
Use the time to taste and savor meals you have always wanted to eat, after all, we only live once.
Seek forgiveness from people you wronged and forgive those who wronged you
Knowing one is about to die makes one want to make peace before one leaves this world.
Not everyone gets the chance to say sorry.
But for people whose transition is gradual, it is easy to ask for forgiveness from those we wronged.
Forgiving someone does not mean you have to be friends. Also, it is not a must you can also let karma do the dirty work for you.