Kambua: I was stressed after delivering my late son prematurely



Gospel star Kambua has for the first time opened up on how challenging the period her second child was born  became.

This was because Nathaniel, now deceased was born prematurely.

Kambua says she had a hard time producing milk.

She says this stressed her.

“Ok let me bring this conversation from my stories to the TL. Postpartum. What kind of support did you receive after having your baby?

Or maybe you didn’t receive any? If there are support groups, please share and tag them here.”


“I experienced baby blues when I had Nathaniel. It was compounded by the constant “maziwa haija kuja”?! As most of you know, my baby was a preemie. My milk took a while to come in.

To say I was stressed would be a gross understatement. I got help from my village of sisters.Nurses mean well (I’m sure), but they just about pushed me over the edge at that time (some).

So tell me- what struggles have you/did you face? What help was available to you?”

Some Kenyans shared their experience with most resonating with Kambua

Terry Anne Chebets says her family supported her

“I got support from my mum and my sisters ❤️ We need a village in times like these and I’m m so so grateful they were there with me. ❤️”

WanjikuKiongo shared

“I was constantly tired, always hosting family members in the first two weeks. While I understand the excitement for their first baby in the family I wish visitors can wait a while longer, and when you visit please be a helper and not a guest.”

Childbirthandbreastfeeding  says she was expected to pray when she got depressed

“Oh this topic!! Thanks love for starting this conversation. For me I experienced postpartum depression after my second baby and let me tell you… I was judged.

For some reasons as a Christian there was/is a notion that you should not have depression/ postpartum or any other kind of depression.

Pray it away… that’s what I was told.My husband was my greatest support! He actually called the nurse on me and took me out for a vacation just to be alone…Mothers need to know postpartum depression is real and they are not alone. Seek help.”

Mutisya Emily says despite people visiting her in hospital, no one really cared to ask how she was doing.

“Baby was admitted in NBU for 10days those who came to visit me while there I am forever grateful, however I do not remember anyone asking me how I was holding up with the doc’s feedbacks after every round, all the questions were just about how baby is, when I lost my princess is when it dawned me that I wasn’t doing well all the hospital routines kept on rerunning through my mind.

My people when you loose a baby friends and family visit you the first few days compared to when you come home with a baby friends keep visiting,coz many believe ” huyo mtoto hata hakuishi, huyo hakukua wako” and these statements really pierce.”  

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