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Take my bid seriously and vote for me, Raila tells Nyanza


Azimio-One Kenya presidential candidate Raila Odinga wants Nyanza residents to take seriously his candidature by turning up and voting for him on August 9.

He said some Nyanza residents were still reluctant and doubting whether he would win.

Raila said he had traversed the country and sought support from many Kenyans and therefore, the residents should not be left behind.

He pledged to bring equal development to the region.

“Our people must take serious this election because it's different from the previous ones. I have traversed many parts of Kenya and I know we have numbers hence you should turn up and vote,” Raila said.

This will be Raila's fifth time contesting for the presidency 

He spoke on Sunday at Oyugis and Kendu Bay during a campaign tour.

Raila urged residents to join the bandwagon of Kenyans who have already decided to support his bid.

“Don't have any doubts because we are prepared for a win. Our opponents have already sensed defeat,” he said.

He was accompanied by former Gatanga MP Peter Kenneth, Governors Hassan Joho (Mombasa), Anyang'Nyong'o (Kisumu) James Ongwae (Kisii) and former UN official Mukhisa Kituyi.

Wiper leader Kalonzo Muysoka joined them later in Magunga, Suba South.

Other leaders were Gladys Wanga, Babu Owino, Junet Mohamed John Mbadi, Peter Kaluma, Maina Kamanda, Millie Odhiambo, Lillian Gogo, Mishi Mboko, Martin Owino and Adipo Okuome,  Senator Moses Kajwang among others.

Raila asked his competitor Deputy President William Ruto to tell Kenyans he did not fulfil his election pledges.

“He's going around the country and giving new plegdes, forgetting he had failed to deliver on promises he made before. He is a liar hence should be rejected,” he said.

The ODM leader urged Homa Bay residents to vote for the party candidates as a way of supporting him.

Raila said Homa Bay has been an ODM-supporting county and should not fail to vote for the party’s candidates.

“Vote for them because they are my foot soldiers and we want the party to remain strong,” he said.

Kenneth urged the residents not to let them down by failing to vote.

He said they have been able to help Raila campaign in Mt Kenya and he will get a chunk of votes in the region.

“Raila has been patient enough in seeking the presidency hence we shouldn’t fail him. Let’s vote him 100 per cent,” Kenneth said.    

Joho, Nyong'o and Ongwae asked residents to overwhelmingly vote for Raila.

Joho said Raila participated in bringing devolution and therefore will ensure county governments are developed by getting their fair share.

“Ruto rejected the new constitution and hence doesn't understand the importance of devolution. Vote for Raila so we get more funds to county governments,” Joho said.

Junet called on Ruto to stop blaming Raila for the failures of the Jubilee administration.

He said Ruto started being at loggerheads with President Kenyatta back in 2016 before the handshake.

“Don’t blame Raila on squabbles between you and your boss,” Junet said.

Nyongo and Ongwae asked Nyanza residents not to relent on supporting Raila.

“Nyanza people must join other Kenyans in voting for Raila to win the presidency. He deserves it,” Nyong'o said.

Mbadi and Wanga asked Homa Bay leaders to put aside personal interests and mobilise residents to vote for Raila.

“I shelved my governorship ambition for Wanga because I wanted us to unite and support Raila. Homa Bay leaders should do the same,” Mbadi said.

Wanga assured Raila of getting overwhelming votes from Homa Bay.

“We’re going to do the much we can to make voter turnout 100 per cent,” she said.    BY THE STAR  

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