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Parents must monitor child’s internet usage


When the Covid-19 pandemic reached Kenya in early 2020, it caused massive disruptions in various sectors. The education and business sectors were, arguably, the most affected.

These disruptions forced many people to adjust to a new reality. Parents were forced to convert their homes into offices. Schools were closed, forcing students to return home. Teachers and students were, hence, forced to start online learning in a bid to complete the school year.

Online learning could not be successful without the presence of digital gadgets and internet connectivity. This made parents dig deep into their pockets to buy tablets and smartphones, among other gadgets that could help their children to continue learning remotely.

Fortunately, normalcy returned after the positivity rate of the coronavirus reduced and schools reopened, paving the way for face-to-face classroom learning.

However, tablets, laptops, smartphones and internet connectivity have since become part of children’s daily lives. Many children spend their time with these gadgets, especially in the evening after school, on weekends and during holidays.

Sadly, parents eased the restrictions they imposed when their children were learning online. They want their children to be freely connected with the rest of the world and be entertained and engaged. It seems they’ve given their children internet independence.

This is a pandemic in the making and can’t be ignored. Parents should know that monitoring internet usage is not invading children’s privacy but saving them from the dangers posed by new technology. Parents must know that there is a form of harassment that has become rampant in today’s digital sphere known as cyberbullying.

Monitoring a child’s internet usage will enable a parent to spot any instance of online bullying. Keeping an eye on children’s internet use will also enable the parent to detect online predators promptly. Online predators have shady intentions—including committing child sexual abuse and other negative acts.

Therefore, parents must have a strong connection with their children when using the internet. Monitoring means a parent also has the mandate to limit their screen time, which will enable them to set aside time for other essential activities.

Surprisingly, children are tech-savvy and more intelligent than their parents. Hence, they will go behind their back, watch inappropriate content and then delete web history.

One will only avoid this if you monitor their internet usage. If a parent ignores all this, their children’s lives will be threatened, and their lives jeopardised.    BY DAILY NATION   

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