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Kandara residents want killer Shiranga dam drained or fenced off


Some residents in Kandara in Murang’a County have issued a one month ultimatum to the national government to fence off Shiranga dam — which they say has killed 25 people in the past 16 years of its existence — or else they drain it.

The recent death that has drawn their ire happened last week. Police retrieved the body of a 21-year-old woman who was allegedly suffering from depression threw herself into the dam.

The dam was built in 2006 but the residents now claim it has become place of choice for people to drown themselves in suicide missions and in swimming accidents.

Kandara residents appeal to state to fence off dam

"The dam has become a source of anguish for us. Instead of the dam being of economic use to us, it has gained notoriety for being home to dead bodies where, since it was built, we have lost lives in it," said Elizabeth Njeri who chairs the residents’ association.

She said the dam has become very risky for families "since our children in pursuit of swimming adventures drown in it".

‘Terrible devil’

Ms Njeri added that parents are now forced to scare their children from going near the dam with message that a very terrible devil resides in it.

She said they have written numerous letters to leaders, local administration and donors to help them fence off the dam besides providing round the clock security so as to bring to an end the tragedies associated with it.

"We are now issuing a warning that we will drain it if the government maintains its insensitive stance regarding our plight. This dam is of no economic use to us since we were never empowered to harvest its water for any enterprise. It is just a mass of water notorious for making our hearts bleed," said Mr Richard Mburu, brother of Emily Wanjiku who is the latest victim of suicide at the dam.

Raised concern in Parliament

Former MP Maina Kamau said the dam has been an issue of concern for a while now.

"In 2008 I had raised the concern in Parliament after a man was attacked and killed by a herd of hippos that had strayed into the dam," he said.

The then Assistant Minister for Forestry and Wildlife Josephat Nanok in his reply to Mr Kamau had responded that the government had commenced a drive to fence off the dam.

But 14 years down the line, the promise has not been honoured and the dam has remained a risk to residents.

Kandara Sub County Police Commander Michael Mwaura said he has directed patrols to be increased near the dam.

"But the dam being very near to human habitation needs to be fenced. We are partnering with area security committees and political leadership to try and come up with a budget for the same. We share the locals' concerns because they are genuine. We too feel the dam should be secured," he said.   BY DAILY NATION   

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