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Pumping in air helped cool temperature, rescued Siaya miner says


Thirty six year old Livingstone Odhiambo, one of the eight men trapped in a collapsed mine in Siaya County for 36 hours, narrowly escaped death by communicating with rescuers.

The rescue team pulled out Mr Odhiambo and the body of his colleague, Enos Ongong’a.

Rescuers at the scene in Abimbo village, Bondo sub-county, pulled Mr Odhiambo and the body of his colleague from the pit at 3am.

Six other miners were still trapped by the time of going to press. Police and multi-agency teams joined the rescue efforts.

The men entered the mine on Thursday and had worked for six hours when they felt some rumbling before soil and rocks fell and covered the entrance.

“We actually were to leave the mine in the next 20 minutes when the earth began shaking. We then knew all was not well,” Mr Odhiambo said after being rescued.

“Everyone rushed towards the entrance but a boulder rolled down and blocked the way.”

He added that the men moved to safer parts of the mine to avoid being crushed by rocks.

His son Enos Ong’ong’a, who was working just above them, had been hit by a log and was attempting to get himself out.

 “I tried pulling him down but gave up after realising he had been badly injured. He died a few minutes later as I watched helplessly,” Mr Odhiambo said.

He and his colleagues were in constant communication with friends and rescuers who attempted to reach them.

The team worked tortuously through the soil and rocks to reach the miners.

 Using pipes connected from where he and the others were trapped, Mr Odhiambo would tell the rescuers to pump in air, when to stop using an excavator and when they were close.

 “It was extremely hot. The constant supply of air helped cool the place down,” he said.

 Mr Odhiambo had left home by 6am to join his colleagues at the mine.

 “The tyre of my boda boda burst so I went on foot because there was much to do,” he said.

He and four other miners quickly went into the pit.

  “We had not carried any food or water yet we were to be there for 36 hours,” Mr Odhiambo said.

Initially, the miners were in the same area but they scattered when the shaking began.

Mr Martin Shikuku, whose son is one of the men trapped, was at the scene yesterday praying as rescue efforts went on.

“Odhiambo assured us that they are doing well. Our prayer is that he gets out safely and reunites with the family,” Mr Shikuku said.

“We appeal to the county government of Siaya to erect tents here. Family members of the trapped men need to shelter from rain and the cold night.”

Mr Kennedy Jonyo, whose 20-year-old son is also among the miners trapped, said he was also hopeful everything would end up well.  BY DAILY NATION      

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