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KRA seals airports after billionaire Jubilee Party sponsor disappears


The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) has sealed airports and border points in search of a billionaire Jubilee Party campaign financier wanted over Sh2.2 billion unpaid taxes from big-ticket State tenders in agencies like the Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (Kemsa) and the military.

The taxman issued the alert to seal the border points, including Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA), to prevent Mary Wambui Mungai from leaving the country after she skipped court to answer to charges of failing to pay taxes between 2014 and last year.

In June, the businesswoman failed to appear before the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) as directed, claiming she was in Zambia for undisclosed business deals.

Ms Mungai’s failure to appear before the KRA for the second time on December 3 left the taxman fretting over the possibility of her fleeing.

Her lawyer appeared before anti-corruption court chief magistrate Felix Kombo on Monday and said she was been hospitalised since November 29. However, no medical records were provided to support the claim.   BY DAILY NATION  

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