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Governor Salim Mvurya backs his deputy to succeed him in Kwale


Governor Salim Mvurya’s decision to back his deputy’s bid for the top seat has surprised many, given that most county chiefs consider their underlings as competitors rather than partners.

In Coast, governors Amason Kingi (Kilifi) and Hassan Joho (Mombasa) have been hesitant to endorse their deputies as their successors. 

Mr Mvurya has bucked the trend as he campaigns to have his second-in-command, Fatuma Achani, take over the county’s leadership.

Governor Mvurya has repeatedly said his deputy is best suited to succeed him.

“My government has done its best and now that it’s reaching its two-term end, I trust my deputy of 10 years to carry on [my] legacy,” he said on Wednesday, adding, Ms Achani has remained loyal to him and has learned the skills of good leadership. 

He accused her opponents of tribalism and gender bias.

Ms Achani has, in turn, said she wants to take over to complete their legacy projects.

“We’re not where we want to be yet, but we’ve improved. That is why I seek to be elected in the 2022 General Election to achieve our development goals,” she said.

In October, Ms Achani got a boost when Deputy President William Ruto endorsed her candidature and welcomed her to vie on a United Democratic Alliance (UDA) ticket, for which she is expected to compete with Kenya Ports Authority official Lung’anzi Mangale.

“The two will face off in the primaries, [and] whoever loses will support the winner,” Kilifi North Member of Parliament Owen Baya said. But the DP had urged residents to support Ms Achani, one of the 23 women leaders eyeing the governor’s seat. 

In Kilifi and Mombasa counties, Mr Kingi and Mr Joho are at crossroads on who will succeed them.

Mr Kingi is torn in between his younger brother Michael Kingi, who is the Magarini MP, assembly speaker Jimmy Kahindi, and Deputy Governor Gideon Samburi. 

His other close allies seeking to succeed him are Jumuiya ya Kaunti za Pwani CEO Emmanuel Nzai and Devolution Chief Administrative Secretary Gideon Mung’aro.

In the 2017 elections, Mr Mung’aro vied on the Jubilee ticket and came second.
Close relations

In Mombasa, Mr Joho has to choose among his deputy governor William Kingi, longtime ally and Mvita MP Abdulswamad Nassir and businessman Suleiman Shahbal.

Mr Shahbal, who has lost the race for the county’s top seat twice, is a newcomer in ODM after he recently defected from Jubilee. Both Mr Nassir and Mr Shahbal enjoy close relations with ODM party leader Raila Odinga.

Other gubernatorial contenders include Kisauni MP Ali Mbogo (Wiper), former senator Hassan Omar (UDA), Awiti Bolo (UDF), Mohammed Bahaidar (UDA) and Sanjeev Agrawal (UDA).    BY DAILY NATION    

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