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Coast counties partner with US firm to improve health services


The six coastal counties have partnered with a US-based company to oversee the improvement of health infrastructure.

On Friday, the counties through Jumuiya ya Kaunti za Pwani signed an MoU which will see Bio 9 Venture channels funds and services to bring innovations in public health.

The agreement is expected to oversee the improvement of health infrastructure in the six counties.

Bio 9 Ventures director for Africa Erastus Mong’are said their focus was to bring innovations at the doorstep of underprivileged communities in Kenya and Africa in general.

Mong’are said this will be achieved by establishing collaborations with other organisations such as JKP.

The partnership will focus on transforming local community hospitals and health facilities to implement innovation and increase efficiency in service delivery.

The partnership will serve as a business hub for digital health, biomanufacturing, biopharmaceuticals, and precision medicines.

The counties will also benefit from sharing industrialisation and economic growth investments and opportunities as well as joint trade promotions, which will deepen commercial relations.

Bio 9 will set the ground for digital health solutions and interventions, will see the counties embrace innovations, public-private partnerships as well as policy legislations.

The company will also oversee training and equipping health workers so as to align them with digital health service delivery.

Local universities and young health innovators are also set to benefit from the MoU as the company will equip them with entrepreneurial skills as well as link them to the market.

First, the innovators will undergo entrepreneurial training to prepare them on product development, business operations, manufacturing, and negotiations before they are channeled to investors who might adopt their innovations.

This will bring to an end the culture of innovators not benefitting from their works as they lack investors to acquire their innovations.

The BIO 9 Ventures-JKP partnership is in line with JKP vision to adopt innovative means in improving service delivery not only in health service but all round.

The coastal unity aspires to embrace partnerships as means and methods for advancing its mission in improving the lives of its people.    BY THE STAR   

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