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Be careful when shopping for goods online, warns Kinoti


The Director of Criminal Investigations George Kinoti has asked Kenyans to be careful when shopping for goods online during this festive season.

In a statement, Kinoti said his office has received complaints from individuals who ordered goods online but were not delivered.

He added that others had also complained of poor quality compared to the one advertised on social media platforms.

"We have received numerous reports from clients who ordered for goods advertised on social networking sites especially on Instagram, but the goods were either not delivered or the quality not similar to what was advertised," Kinoti said on Monday.

The DCI boss called on Kenyans to resist the temptation of sending money to perceived genuine dealers, who later turn out to be cons.

He also noted that most victims of such online scams are ladies who are out to shop for trendy outfits and jewellery.

"You are advised to be careful when making purchases online, by first ascertaining the identity of the seller and the address of their businesses," Kinoti said.    BY THE STAR   

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