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Oka split between Raila, Ruto factions


The vicious feuding in the One Kenya Alliance has been linked to cracks over working with either ODM boss Raila Odinga or Deputy President William Ruto. 

The wars are now threatening to sink the outfit, that originally was touted as a formidable third force in the 2022 presidential contest.

While some forces are keen to have the outfit team up with Raila, another faction is pushing for a political deal with Ruto.

Yet another group within Oka is adamant the principals must stick together and  go all the way to the ballot in next year’s general election. 

The Oka alliance of Musalia Mudavadi (ANC), Kalonzo Musyoka (Wiper), Gideon Moi (Kanu) and Ford Kenya’s Moses Wetang'ula is yet to decide on a 2022 lineup. All have said they want to run for president.

The Star has established that while tensions have been building for months, Raila’s appearance at the Wiper NDC — and his call for unity with Kalonzo —was the straw that broke the camel’s back. 

A group of Musalia's allies had protested at Raila’s invitation to Kalonzo’s delegates meeting.

Kakamega Senator Cleophas Malala singled out Kalonzo and Gideon for  "sending the wrong signal" about their commitment to the outfit. Both have been endorsed by their parties to run for president.

When you say you will desert us, is it then that you have been sent by the people of the wheelbarrow?
Kalonzo Musyoka

And on Friday, a joint tour of Western Kenya by the Oka principals exploded in Bungoma as Kalonzo openly clashed with Malala over his Raila link remarks.

"I don't want to answer you. You are a young man and I respect you. You need to know uniting the country is not easy....but when you say you will desert us, is it then that you have been sent by the people of the wheelbarrow? ” a furious Kalonzo asked. 

Earlier, Malala had hit out at Kalonzo, questioning his motive in inviting Raila whom he called a competitor who had no place at the NDC.

“When you invite an opponent, what is your game plan? It is like a wife in a marriage who is secretly seeing another man. We must get serious,” Malala said and threatened to ditch the outfit if it endorses Raila.

"Mimi nitawatoroka asubuhi (I will desert the outfit at the earliest opportunity)," Malala said.

During the Wiper NDC, Raila expressed confidence he will team up with Kalonzo again.

But speaking just a day after the NDC, Musalia said they will not back down for anyone.

“Oka is not holding brief for anybody. Let nobody imagine that they will just come and grab any of us like a hawk does chicks,” the ANC boss said in Bungoma.

There are growing concerns about the Oka 2022 game plan, if there is a game plan. Reports indicate there are deep suspicions of mischief,  backstabbing and behind-the-scenes deals with opponents.

While Kalonzo and Gideon are seen to be aiming only towards Ruto, Musalia has trained his guns on Raila.


Ruto is said to be pursuing at least one Oka principal to enhance his chances of succeeding his boss, President Uhuru Kenyatta. Any Oka inroads would mean Oka will be obliterated

He recently trashed Raila's promise of a Sh6,000 cash transfer for poor families, terming it unrealistic and a false promise.

Raila responded furiously, asking Musalia to concentrate on his own campaigns. 

Except for Musalia whose NDC will be in January, the other principals have been formally endorsed as presidential candidates by their parties.

For instance, reports are circulating that Ruto is desperately trying to penetrate the Oka outfit and has been making overtures to Musalia allies.

Ruto is said to be pursuing at least one Oka principal to enhance his chances of succeeding his boss, President Uhuru Kenyatta. Any Oka inroads would mean Oka will be obliterated.

A number of Musalia allies in recent months have ditched ANC for Ruto and his UDA.

The latest is LSK President Nelson Havi.

Management consultant Eliud Owalo and ex-ANC secretary general Barrack Muluka were the first to move to UDA.

On Sunday, Lugari MP Ayub Savula, who is also the ANC deputy party leader, insisted  Musalia will pursue his 2022 political plans within Oka.

He dismissed talk of working with Ruto as “cheap politics”. 

“It is a perception being perpetuated by some politicians we know who are working at the behest of some forces after receiving regular tokens; for us as ANC, we are in Oka to stay,” Savula said. 

He went on, “ANC will hold its NDC in January to formally nominate Musalia as the presidential candidate and it would be then that he will negotiate with other Oka partners as to who will be the presidential candidate.” 

On Saturday, Cotu secretary general Francis Atwoli also sensationally claimed the DP is using a lot of cash to lure Western Kenya leaders into his fold. 

“I have received some information that some three legislators were each given Sh3 million from DP Ruto camp to champion his interests in Western Kenya,” Atwoli said in Siaya. 

On the other hand, Kalonzo and Gideon are said to be getting cozy with Raila to make a bigger 2022 political machine.  

Kalonzo’s Wiper is in a cooperation agreement with the ruling party Jubilee. The deal is likely to escalate into a coalition deal before ODM is brought onboard.

Raila’s presence at Wiper's NDC at Kasarani alongside Jubilee secretary general Raphael Tuju revealed the ongoing negotiations that could birth a new reunion.

Kalonzo was Raila’s running mate in the 2013 and 2017 presidential contests in which they lost to President Uhuru Kenyatta and DP Ruto. 

His invitation of Raila was seen as a continuation of their engagements, leaving other partners jittery. 

There is no tension in Oka and I really need to debunk that; any attempts to create wrong impressions will fail
Victor Ogeto

Raila openly said their paths will cross with Kalonzo again in the near future, raising hopes a deal is in the offing. 

“I have heard some people complaining why has Raila been invited? Raila and Kalonzo are brothers. If your younger brother has a wedding, do you vanish? No, you can't say you are not attending. That is why I am here today,” Raila said in Kasarani on Thursday. 

On Sunday Wiper deputy chairman Victor Ogeto said the Oka chiefs will not make some decisions just because they are under pressure from their allies. 

“Our principals are seasoned politicians, I don’t expect them to make decisions because they have been coerced by their allies. We can't allow tribal pressures to drive us,” Ogeto said. 

He went on, “There is no tension in Oka and I really need to debunk that; any attempts to create wrong impressions will fail.” 

Uhuru, who is keen to block Ruto from succeeding him, is said to be working on a grand scheme to reunite the ex-Nasa partners.    BY THE STAR  

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