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Kalonzo Musyoka: I will jail the corrupt, make Kenya a 24-hour economy


Wiper Democratic Movement (WDM) leader Kalonzo Musyoka on Thursday outlined his vision for the Country if elected President in next year’s election, promising to jail the corrupt, make Kenya a 24-hour economy and ensure free and compulsory secondary education.

The Wiper leader in his acceptance speech after endorsement by the party’s National Delegates Congress (NDC) to run for the top seat noted that theft of public funds and corruption had become the order of the day and he would deal with the perpetrators firmly and restore faith in government and all its institutions.

“I stand here today to affirm that I will not rest until all the corrupt are in jail and their ill-gotten loot is back in our coffers.  As a president who seeks to serve his people, I will work for you, not you working for me. Believe me when I tell you, and I emphasise, having been fully tried and tested regarding corruption - that in a Kalonzo government there will be no room for corruption and the thieves will have no place to hide,” the Wiper leader declared.

Mr Musyoka revealed that his 24-hour economy model would be aligned to the vision 2030 to improve the Country’s GDP.

Three shifts

“Mine will be a 24-hour plan with three shifts of 8 hours each – an additional 16 hours to our conventional working day. This will definitely create millions of jobs for our unemployed and people will be able to feed their families,” he said.

Investments in amenities such as transport and infrastructure, energy, security and water service provision, he explained, will be direct beneficiaries of the 24-hour economic model leading to productivity growth due to lower costs of production.

“More importantly a 24-hour economy will empower a greater number of Kenyans with enhanced purchasing power that will raise consumption given that they will now earn weekly or biweekly salaries in addition to the current monthly pay. Currency circulation will inevitably grow thereby expanding the money and financial markets.”

He promised to implement fully free secondary education, to ease the burden of school fees on struggling parents, who cannot make ends meet.

Free education

“Let me be very clear for the avoidance of doubt. Free and compulsory secondary education will be a hallmark of my Administration. There is actually no free tuition if parents still have to pay for uniforms, books and meals.”

“Free secondary school education is not “free” if parents have to subsidise administrative and development costs! My administration will determinedly ensure that parents will be relieved of the responsibility of educating their children throughout their school years,” Mr Musyoka said.

The Wiper leader promised to unify the country with the spirit of ‘undugu’ (brotherhood)

“In unity, we stand strong “….In common bond united, let us build this our Nation together.” Divided, we lose our great potential in growing Kenya to be an economic hub in East and Central Africa and a beacon of hope for many around the world that look up to this wonderful nation.”

He vowed to foster the rule of law and ensure no citizen’s rights are abused by law enforcement agencies that seek to take power into their own hands.

Rest assured that a Kalonzo presidency will enable people to freely thrive and prosper and be proud to be Kenyan, he said, adding that his administration will sort the problem of unemployment bedevilling the youth.

Sad state of affairs

 “It pains my heart, sincerely, to see Kenya in this sad state of affairs. Our nation is impoverished because of extremely burdensome debts triggered by over-zealous corruption, the likes of which we have never seen before. As a result, our youth have lost confidence in their government and hope in the future.”

“Thieves are brazenly running around the country masquerading as saviours while crucifying our children's futures at the altar of corruption,” the Wiper leader said, cautioning about Deputy President William Ruto’s “wheelbarrow economy.”

He went on: “Whilst we face many challenges, not all hope is lost. Our country is at a crossroads and a wrong decision at the ballot will deny our future generations peace and prosperity. Beware of politicians who give cash and empty promises for there is no such thing as free money.”

He revisited Jubilee promises of stadiums, free laptops, sufficient water and enough food, stating that instead, “Kenyans had been robbed blind of their taxes by accomplished thieves.”

“…now you are being deceived into believing a falsely-painted way out, anchored in lies and theft. Kenyans, you must be very careful and entrust this nation to a proven clean leadership.”

He noted that for the country to become a middle income nation with the realisation of the vision 2030, Kenyans must engage its partners abroad with financial concessions and loans.

“We will therefore, build on President Uhuru’s legacy of road and rail investments and apply strict operating guidelines on the funds management.”

Political machinations

“Indeed, a shining example of a PPP partnership is in the ongoing Nairobi Expressway, where work has been running on a 24-hour shift basis. The president has managed to drive the nation forward regardless of the political machinations ongoing around him.”

By contrast, Mr Musyoka said, the tribulations around the Arror and Kimwarer projects speak ill of the ogre of corruption and its effects on the country’s financial status as a nation and the spill-over negative effects on the people’s livelihoods.

He promised to address the issues of high taxation, public debt mismanagement and the dragon of corruption.

 “One of the first acts of government that I will implement will be to reduce tax levels across the board and widen the tax bracket. Punitive taxes discourage work and investment. We cannot expect to grow an economy by taxing an already overburdened population,” the One Kenya Alliance (OKA) principal said.

He promised that his administration will go through each public debt “letter-by-letter, word-for-word, line-by-line with the intention of renegotiating all public debt instruments signed on your behalf.”

Mr Musyoka disclosed that under his administration, he seeks to reform the current structure of the Higher Education Loans Board.

“Under my Administration there will be inclusivity. Living standards for our students will improve considerably, back to the golden days of “boom!” No more paying for textbooks and no more cooking in bedrooms because the mess hall is poorly staffed and offers even low-quality food. Comrades shall eat, study and live in decent conditions.”

He vowed to improve agriculture, the backbone of the country’s economy.

“We must therefore exploit this untapped potential for value addition.”

“Our women are a significant pillar in nation building. Therefore, the socio-economic empowerment of women will be a core pillar of my development agenda.”

During the convention that was also attended by ODM leader Raila Odinga, OKA principals Musalia Mudavadi (Amani National Congress), Gideon Moi (Kanu), Moses Wetang’ula (Ford Kenya), Cyrus Jirongo United Democratic Party (UDP) as well as Jubilee Secretary General Raphael Tuju and Narc Leader Charity Ngilu, the Wiper delegates approved various changes in the party with some touching on the party leadership.

 Among the changes approved by the delegates drawn from across the Country include change of the party name from Wiper Democratic Movement - Kenya to Wiper Democratic Movement.

Others were; adoption of the new motto - One Kenya, One People and approval of the new party colours.

 The party also changed its colours from bold sky blue, white and earth red to royal blue, white and earth red and named new officials, retaining others.

 New list of Wiper officials.

Party Leader - Kalonzo Musyoka.

 Deputy Party Leader - Farah Maalim

 National Chairman - Chirau Ali Mwakrere

 Deputy Chairman Policy and communication - Mutula Kilonzo Jnr.

 Deputy National chair strategy and planning - Dr Victor Swanya.

 Deputy National chair operations - Ole Kamwaro.

 Deputy Chairman social matters and welfare - Anne Kanyi.

 Secretary General - Shakila Abdallah.

 Deputy Secretary General 1 - Daniel Maanzo.

 Deputy Secretary General 2 - Dan Mwashako.

 National Treasurer - Gideon Mulyungi.

 Deputy Treasurer 1 - Zakir Mohammed.

 Deputy Treasurer 2 - Thaddeus Nzambia.

 National Organizing Secretary - Robert Mbui.

 Deputy National Organizing Secretary 1 - Jesicah Mbalu.

 Deputy National Organizing Secretary 2 - Muriuki Ndwiga.

 Director of Elections - major Marcus Mutua Muluvi.

 Deputy Director of Elections 1-Jane Mwasia.

 Deputy Director of Elections 2 - Ben Momanyi.

 Secretary economic affairs - Douglas Mbithi

 Chairman People with disabilities - Dominic Keter.

 Chair young wiper democrats - Majala Mlagui.

 Chair wiper women democrats Rose Museo.

 Secretary coalition coordination committee - Eunice Lumallas.

 Chair NEB - Agatha Solitei.

 Chairman Elections appeals board David Onyancha.

 Secretary parliamentary affairs - Patrick. Makau.   BY DAILY NATION   

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