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Blame absentee dads and mums for the trouble plaguing schools


If bad parenting were a punishable crime, many parents would be in jail serving long sentences. 

We are now in an era where bonding sessions between parents and their children is a thing of the past.

Parents have become too busy for their children and house managers are the new mothers and fathers.

In city estates, it is no longer strange to find families where children are closer to house helps than their own parents.

The problem is that some house managers have failed in this parenting role. They grant children a lot of freedom as some minors acquire vices under their care.

But many parents are not any better. They abuse drugs, drink alcohol, watch X-rated movies and TV shows and engage in vulgar conversations in front of their kids. It is a family tragedy when innocent children become drug addicts because of their parents.

There are also homes where domestic violence is the order of the day. Some even confess that they don’t love their children. 

Trouble in schools

Others go the extent of airing their dirty linen, including denying they sired some of the children. 

Most parents prefer taking their children to boarding schools with an expectation that teachers will nurture them. Some of these learners are truants and they get involved bad behaviours while in school. Some from troubled backgrounds do exactly what they see their parents do, causing teachers nightmares.

Parents should understand that discipline starts at home. Too much freedom to children is not love.

Preparing children to be responsible adults in the society saves everyone from the trouble we are having in schools.

Parents must ensure that their children know what is good and bad. Failure to do this will cost them heavily.

All school damages, for instance, are now being compensated by them. The government should support initiatives that will remind parents of their duties. Parents who cannot nurture their children should seek the help of experts and authorities. 

Spare the rod, spoil the child.   BY DAILY NATION  

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