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Raila launches Mt Kenya offensive, to be hosted in Nyeri


ODM chief Raila Odinga has aggressively started to make inroads in Mt Kenya days after it emerged he is President Uhuru Kenyatta’s preferred successor.

The Star has established the Kikuyu Council of Elders will on August 28 host Raila and more than 100 Luo elders in Nyeri as part of the plan.

On Thursday, Raila was hosted in Limuru, Kiambu, at the home of deceased business tycoon Nginyo Kariuki where strong political statements were made.

Speaking in Kiambu, Raila’s elder brother Oburu Odinga said previous efforts to unite the Luo and the Kikuyu were deliberately scuttled by the government.

He said Ngiyo and Cabinet minister Njenga Karume (deceased) made all efforts to unite the two communities.

“Now circumstances have changed and the government of the day is part of this movement to bring the lake and the mountain together. And as Jim Orengo said, when the mountain meets the lake, Kenya moves forward,” Oburu said.

Speakers at the meeting championed Raila, saying he has demonstrated statesmanship by working with Uhuru yet he competed with him in the 2017 election.

Former Gatanga MP Peter Kenneth said Raila has shown humility, unlike some of his competitors who are “chest thumping that they have the support of Mt Kenya region.

“He has fought for the Constitution and today, we have devolution. In BBI, the biggest component is the increased allocation from the national government to counties from 15 to 35 per cent,” he added.

Kenneth said Raila's selflessness was demonstrated in 2002 when he said 'Kibaki Tosha' and also in 2008 when he agreed to form the Grand Coalition government.

“Uhuru wants us to work with Raila, why would you not support him?" he asked.

Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua asked Mt Kenya to support leaders who have a track record and the best interests of Kenyans at heart.

“Look for leaders who have a track record of building the country. Not those who have a track record of stealing,” he said.

Mutua said Raila was welcome to court Mt Kenya region and assured him he will get the support he needs.

Speaking to Star on Thursday, Kikuyu Council of Elders chairman Wachira wa Kiago confirmed they will host their Luo counterparts in Nyeri.

He said the misunderstandings between Luo and Kikuyu date back many years and they are trying to correct them by preaching unity.

“We will be hosting the Luo Council of Elders and Raila Odinga in Nyeri on the 28th of this month to cement the relationship between the two communities. It will not end there because we will also be visiting other regions of the country,” Wachira said.

Raila had on October 10 last year hosted the Kikuyu elders at his Bondo home.

But immediately after the Bondo visit, there was sharp criticism from a group of Kikuyu leaders who maintained the group that visited Odinga wasn’t genuine.

Wachira wa Kiago and Samuel Maigua have been fighting over  recognition as the official Kikuyu Council of Elders.

When contacted, Luo Council of Elders national chairman Opiyo Otondi said the meeting will strongly recommend the unity between all communities in Kenya, not a few individuals.

He said that he will lead a huge delegation of top officials from Nyanza to Nyeri.

Former Dagoretti MP Denis Waweru confirmed the Star that Raila will visit and said he has been invited.

Other leaders expected at the event include Nominated MP Maina Kamanda, Kieni MP Kanini Kega, former Gatanga MP Peter Kenneth and others in the Jubilee government.

Uhuru’s cousin, Captain Kungu Muigai, who is a patron for the Kenya National Council of Elders, said he was not aware of Raila’s visit.

Kung’u said Raila’s visit to Nyeri can be considered private as Wachira’s group isn’t allowed to speak on behalf of people from Mt Kenya.

“Raila Odinga is our leader and besides that, he has a democratic right to visit every part of the country,” Kung’u said.

He said he hasn’t been invited.

Seme MP Dr James Nyikal told the Star all details of the event have been planned.

Luo elder’s chairman Opiyo had hinted Dr Nyikal has been nominated by members of the region to coordinate on those to attend.

A group of Ruto allies in Nyeri also said they have invited the DP on a meet-the-people tour.

UDA patron in the area Wachira Keen said that the DP will soon reveal his calendar for visiting the region.

“We as the UDA supporters haven’t been invited but we know the DP will soon visit the region,” Wachira said.

Nyeri businessman and chairman of the New Democrat Party Thuo Mathenge also said that every politician is allowed to visit any party of Kenya and promote peace.

He said the people of Nyeri county know which party they will vote for but will not be forced to support anyone.

“Let them come to Nyeri, we welcome visitors but what I would like them to know is that, our people will decide their political direction for themselves," Mathenge said.    BY THE STAR   

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