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Nakuru County gets Sh30m nutrition boost for children


Nutrition International has entered into a joint financing agreement with Nakuru County government to boost maternal nutrition in the county.

 The international non-profit organisation that works to eliminate vitamin and mineral deficiencies in developing countries will give the county Sh30 million. 

 However, the county will be required to contribute Sh10 million before the donors can release money in the next three years.

 According to details in the current financial estimates for the 2021/2022, the devolved unit has set aside Sh10 million for the programme.

 Nakuru County Budget Committee chairperson Joel Karuri said that the nutrition financing will focus on the development of the county’s own nutrition action plan, and improving maternal nutrition.

This, he said, will be done by maintaining a supply of iron and folic acid supplements and increasing skilled birth attendance.

 Besides nutrition, the programme will also focus on the promotion of neonatal survival by ensuring safe deliveries. It seeks to improve neonatal safety by promoting the use of chlorhexidine for cord care.

 The initiative will also support two doses of vitamin A each year for all children under five years old and increase the use of zinc and oral rehydration salts to treat diarrhoea and improve child survival.

 “This partnership will also promote adolescent nutrition and health by providing support to the ministries of Health and Education to deliver nutrition education and weekly iron and folic acid supplements to adolescents to combat anaemia,” said Mr Karuri.

 Other benefits accruing from the partnership include providing technical and financial support to government for a coordinated strategy for the development of and capacity building for maize flour fortification.

 At the national level, the Ministry of Health will benefit from technical and financial support to boost the coordination of food fortification inventions in Kenya.

 “This joint financing agreement will also increase the availability of adequately fortified maize flour that is compliant to fortification standards through capacity building of maize flour millers, premix suppliers and public health officers to implement fortification activities as well as monitoring and enforcement of related legislation,” said Mr Karuri who is also the MCA for Biashara Ward in Naivasha sub-county.     BY DAILY NATION   

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