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Sh40m tender for mum of top agency officer


A major parastatal at the Coast has become a cash cow for senior bosses at the agency. Despite a massive graft crackdown in recent months, nothing seems to have changed. It has emerged that a Sh40 million tender was awarded to the mother of a senior officer at the state corporation in a blatant conflict of interest. Investigations established the procurement was irregular, resulting in unlawful payments of more than Sh62 million. It was further established the evaluation committee didn't conduct proper technical evaluation, and there was a conflict of interest. Sources whisper to Corridors the EACC has recommended the prosecution of top brass, including the senior officer, head of procurement and supplies, head of civil engineering and the entire tender evaluation committee. EACC boss Twalib Mbarak (pictured) has often said nobody will be spared and he seems determined to live by his word.

A woman representative from a county in Northeastern seems to have fallen out of favour with her constituents, including powerful elders. At the weekend, the vocal legislator was ejected by women from a meeting in the county. It had brought together all county political and opinion leaders. But as soon as she entered the room, the women jeered her, forcing her out. It was not immediately clear why the lawmaker is unwanted, but moles intimate that she is a marked person after she instigated the downfall of a seasoned and respected politician from the region.

There is outrage in a county in Nyanza region after word went out the governor had employed one of his children at a public health facility. Residents are now blaming the county Public Service Board, which they say was either compromised or arm-twisted to secure the employment. A local tells Corridors the county boss has nonetheless downplayed the issue, arguing the position was filled by a qualified person. The Public Service Board on the other hand is reported to have said it could not have asked the interviewees to give information about their parents.

An MCA from an urban county controlled by Jubilee is in trouble. The influential second-term ward rep is being investigated for allegedly using his influence and powers to divert relief food procured by the county to help people in his rural constituency. The man reportedly ran for a parliamentary seat in his rural home and has been ‘investing’ heavily to win the hearts and souls of the electorate. But now the anti-graft agency is on his neck alongside the governor for irregularly sending the relief food meant for urban poor ravaged by the Covid-19 pandemic to his rural home.   BY THE STAR  

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