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Post-pandemic relationships: To rekindle or relegate?


After working remotely for nearly a year, many professionals are starting to return to the office. It has, therefore, become necessary to revitalise relationships that have been on a lull for months. Going forward, you will need to strengthen some relationships and sever others. Easier said than done, but answering the following questions correctly will help you to navigate the relationship quicksand like a pro.

Did you stay in touch during lockdown?
Arguably, relationships have been among the biggest casualties of the Covid-19 crisis. Some friendships were dead before Covid-19, and the pandemic only served to hammer the last nail on their coffins. Friendships are for good and bad seasons alike. If no communication whatsoever has happened between you and your ‘‘friends’’ for the last 15 months, you might need to re-evaluate these relationships. 

How much change has happened?
We’ve all been wounded by the pandemic in one way or another. Some changed jobs, others lost theirs and some relocated. Some people caught the virus and others lost family members. These changes will obviously impact how we relate in future. What experiences have your networks been through? Establishing this will help you develop a suitable strategy for reengagement.

Is the relationship relevant?
We make friends out of people with whom we have shared interests. People who make our lives more exciting. Those who complement us. Mentors and life coaches are such examples. If the quality of your life is superior when a particular person is present in it, that’s a friend to keep, a relationship to protect. If you’ve fared well enough in some people’s absence during lockdown, why bother to reach out?

Are your networks proactive?
Relationships are about mutuality. Sometimes, though, we find ourselves in situations where we do all the work. We call to check on our friends and to suggest dates, while they don’t. If without your effort the relationship would be dead, you are better off without such people in your life.

What do your friends feel about a reunion?
Reconnecting with networks after lockdown can be daunting, even awkward. You have changed and so have they. Are they down for a renewal of the relationship? Appreciate that some connections are meant to last for life, others for a season. As you rebuild your post-pandemic networks, don’t feel guilty for letting go of baggage.     BY DAILY NATION    

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