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Serve Kenyans with integrity, Uhuru Kenyatta tells judges


President Uhuru Kenyatta has challenged the 34 newly appointed judges to serve Kenyans with integrity and commitment.

The President, who spoke on Friday at State House, Nairobi during the swearing-in of the judges, called on the judicial officers to apply the law with equity as enshrined in the Constitution.

 “Let your actions and decisions be guided solely on unbiased and faithful application of the Constitution and our written laws; our principles and values as a nation; and the overriding interests of justice,” President Kenyatta said.

Of the 34 new judges, seven belong to the Court of Appeal, nine to the Employment and Labour Relations Court, while 18 will be serving at the Environment and Land Court.

At the ceremony, also attended by Chief Justice Martha Koome and President of the Court of Appeal Daniel Musinga, the President said serving in a state office is a demanding undertaking underwritten by high public expectations.

“To serve in a state office is a deeply demanding task. Many new burdens will be placed on your shoulders, the public expectations on you will be very high, and obstacles will be thrown along your path,” he said.

He added: “Having taken your oath of office, know that you hold a special position in our constitutional order. Therefore, my advice to you is one; serve with dedication and with utmost fidelity to the oath you have subscribed,” the President told the judges.

The Head of State congratulated the judicial officers for their new roles, saying it was their abilities and integrity that led to their appointment.

 “Your great ability and deep integrity have led you to your highly deserved elevation," the President told the judges.

 “Just like you today, I too, took an oath to both the letter and the spirit of the law; and it is not open to me to turn a blind eye to the report of our state organs.

 “As long as I serve as President, I will choose the right over the convenient; I will choose the hard over the easier choice. I am not doing this for myself, but for the People of Kenya, and for posterity,” the President said.

 The swearing-in ceremony was conducted by the Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Anne Amadi and attended by Head of Public Service Dr Joseph Kinyua and Attorney General Paul Kihara among other senior government and judicial officials.   BY DAILY NATION  

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