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Kisumu port roars back to life as Uhuru launches shipyard, wagon ferry


After decades of neglect and run down, Kisumu port has finally roared back to life in what is expected to open up trade and boost the economy of the Eastern Africa region.

President Uhuru Kenyatta yesterday reopened the Sh3 billion refurbished port, injecting life into the economy of the lakeside city and the entire region.

The refurbishment of the port, which had been dormant for decades, started in 2019. It is deemed as the Handshake pet project.

“The revival of this port was informed by the need to revamp the economy of the East Africa region and beyond,” he said.

Key in the revival of the port is the launch of revitalised wagon ferry, MV Uhuru and the Kisumu Kenya Shipyard Limited.

Kenya Shipyard Limited, a state agency, under the management of KDF, will repair, refurbish and rehabilitate ships for use in Lake Victoria.

Yesterday, Uhuru launched the shipyard and laid the keel for the construction of the MV Uhuru 2 that will be built from scratch by the Kenya Navy in collaboration with Damen Civil Works, a Dutch company.

“This vessel will support our sister ship which we rehabilitated has caused movement of over 50 million litres of fuel between port city if Kisumu and Uganda, therefore, reducing the cost of fuel in Uganda as a result of the cost of reduction of transport as well as the reduction in losses during transportation,” he said.

He was accompanied by the visiting Burundi President Evariste Ndanyishimiye and ODM leader Raila Odinga.

The President, who is on a tour of the Nyanza region for the Makadara Day celebrations at Jomo Kenyatta International Stadium in Kisumu, also relaunched the refurbished MV Uhuru 1.

The ship was refurbished by the military three months ago after stalling for nearly 15 years. It cost of Sh50 million to bring it back to life.

Since its refurbishment, MV Uhuru 2 has ferried about 50 million litres of fuel to Jinja in Uganda.

KDF has also developed model fishing boats that they intend to use to produce fishing boats to benefit the local fishermen.

“We envision that subsequent activities that are being undertaken here will not only prosper the development of this region but also within the entire East Africa region,” Uhuru said.

“The men and women involved in the refurbishment of this ship, in the construction of MV Uhuru 2 will demonstrate our commitment to identify and harness skills needed to build our economy.”

Uhuru said the port will be a beehive of activity after he launches the Nakuru-Kisumu meter-gauge railway in August.

The railway line will enable the movement of cargo to the port for onward shipping to the neighbouring countries, thus spurring growth in the region.

Uhuru also commissioned Sh476 million marine school that will train Kenyans,  on the management of vessels and other marine activities.

On Sunday, Uhuru launched Sh2.4 billion water project in Gem Yala and Sh1.4 billion Akala-Wagai road in the constituency.

Meanwhile, the President told off leaders criticising his decision to allow the military, run civilian state agencies.

The President said the military has proved effective and told those assailing his decisions to keep off and allow him to deliver development to Kenyans.

“The hand that carry guns has the ability to carry a jembe,” Uhuru said.

He said KDF has used their expertise and effectiveness to transform state agencies which had been run down by civilians.

Uhuru cited the Kenya Meat Commission, which was recently refurbished by the military, saying that previous governments, including his predecessor’s, pumped in billions of shillings but not much was realised.

“No government has managed to revive KMC. Kibaki put Sh1 billion to KMC. They only painted buildings and lied that work had been done,” he said.

The President transferred KMC from the Ministry of Agriculture to that of Defence, through an executive order eight months ago.

“If you could do a just quarter of what KDF is doing, this country will be far much ahead,” he said.

He told off his critics saying their noise will not stop him from engaging the KDF and working for Kenyans.   BY THE STAR   

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