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Governor Nyong'o toughens rules as Covid-19 bites in Kisumu


Kisumu Governor Anyang Nyong'o has asked residents to keep off places of worship as part of measures to contain the spread of Covid-19 in the county.

Already, four churches have closed after some members got infected. The governor also announced yesterday that county offices shall remain closed, save for essential services, until further notice.

These are some of the resolutions reached by the Kisumu County Covid-19 Multi-Agency Committee chaired by the governor and the County Commissioner Josephine Ouko.

Mr Ouko was represented by the Deputy County Commissioner Mr John Cheruiyot at the meeting convened to respond to a surge in infections.

"Members of the public have been advised not to physically attend churches, mosques, temples and other worship places for their own safety," said the governor.

Prof Nyong'o warned religious organisations flouting the guidelines of a third of the total capacity that they will face sanctions.

The Anglican Church of Kenya branches in Alango, Chiga and Riwo are among churches that have closed according to messages to their members.

“Good morning dear Canaan group. I am drawing your attention to the fact that Covid-19 has hit home. Our neighbouring parishes Alango, Chiga and Riwo have been shut down because there are so many cases among members,” read the message.

Fresh crackdown

As at June 5, Kisumu had recorded 5,739 confirmed cases with a weekly positivity rate of 28.4 per cent.

The highest infections – 1,585 cases – were recorded in the last two weeks. The mortality rate in the county has increased from an average of 12 at the peak last year to 18.

Prof Nyong'o also warned bar owners flouting the 7pm directive to shut down the entertainment spots, saying they will not only be arrested but will also lose their licences.

The committee also resolved to mount a fresh crackdown on public service vehicles and boda boda operators not complying with the Ministry of Health's Covid-19 protocols.

The surge in infections has prompted clubs and churches to take steps to protect members.

Kisumu Yatch Club, a high end members’ only club in Kisumu, was closed with management citing many of its members were infected. But even with the alarming trend, violation of Covid-19 protocols is still evident in Kisumu. It is business as usual for PSVs, tuktuks, night clubs and churches.

In Kisii, the county government and assembly have scaled down operations. Employees aged 58 years and above are working from home.

New directives

He is a summary of the measures Governor Nyong'o announced on Monday:

  1. There will be a fresh crack down on public service vehicles and boda bodas not complying with the Covid-19 protocols.
  2. All PSVs must adhere to the laid down guidelines; maximum allowable passenger capacity, hand sanitizing and proper wearing of masks; and must be cleared by the county director of public health.
  3. Boda Bodas shall strictly carry only one passenger with tuk tuks carrying a maximum of two passengers.
  4. All deaths must be interred within 72 hours of occurrence.
  5. All mortuaries in the county must not keep bodies for more than 48 Hours. Funerals, cremations and other ceremonies must be conducted on the same day the bodies are removed from the morgues before 2pm with only 100 persons. allowed to attend. Graveside activities and cremations shall be performed by not more than 50 persons.
  6. Bodies still in the morgues after the lapse of this timeline will be disposed of in public cemeteries without any further reference to the families.
  7. All public and private mortuaries must not receive bodies from outside the facilities, except police cases.
  8. Mortuaries are hereby directed as from today to present their daily logs to the county director of public health. They must further record the time each body is released to relatives and the destination.
  9. There will be multi-Agency surveillance teams in markets to enforce Covid-19 protocols. County security and enforcement teams are under firm instructions to ensure compliance.
  10. The multi-agency team, through the public health department will mount public awareness campaigns on the Covid-19 protocols targeting markets and schools across the County.
  11. All bars and eateries are hereby directed to obey all public health laws or face permanent closure. Bar owners found keeping customers behind closed doors after the 7pm directive, will not only be arrested but will lose their licenses forthwith.
  12. Members of the Public have been advised not to physically attend churches, mosques, temples and other worship places for their own safety. Religious organizations flouting the MoH guidelines of a third of the total capacity will face strong disciplinary action.
  13. All home-based clients on isolation and care must adhere to all Covid-19 protocols, failure to which prosecution shall be instituted after institutional confinement and negative testing.
  14. The multi-agency committee will review the level of compliance with the above mentioned guidelines within the next two weeks and may take further containment actions as may be advised.
  15. County Offices shall remain closed save for essential services until further notice beginning June 7.   BY DAILY NATION

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