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Girls, don’t fall for senior boys’ antics... campus love is a myth


Have you ever imagined the excitement freshmen have while joining universities? 

Many university-bound students are happy not only for the opportunity to pursue their dream careers but, also, to enjoy a taste of personal autonomy.

I joined Multimedia University of Kenya for a diploma in journalism course together with 112 other students. We were all determined to explore campus freedom. Within months, multiple third and the fourth year students were going out with the young women in my class. However, these relationships were short-lived because the men were in it purely for selfish reasons.

It soon dawned on the poor lasses that the dating scene on campus was one big game for a majority of the seniors. 

They were merely prey for predatory mafisi (hyenas) who were on the hunt for young girls fresh from high school. 

I have come to learn that campus relationships are based on lies. Lies that have turned girls into bitter party freaks who have been reduced to club-hopping and mingling with sundry boys.

Impregnated and dumped

I remember my co-anchor on the university’s radio, Nourman Khalid, advising that “at the end of your course, you either get out of this university infected with HIV/Aids or get out with knowledge and skills”.

On our second semester, two girls who were initially focused on being great journalists, got pregnant. Their boyfriends, both seniors, dumped them. To make it worse, they dropped out.

Dear Form Four leavers, especially girls, when you go to university, never fall for these love predators who will end your lives. Choose, instead, to use your brains to conquer the world. 

To the administrators in universities; please protect girls. Providing contraceptives is encouraging premarital sex. 

And lecturers are the worst of the sex predators. They force girls into sexual affairs. 

I have personally seen girls’ marks delayed by some lecturers in order to have force them into sex. We need to end this rape culture. I hope the education ministry will take action.    BY DAILY NATION  

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