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Two killed in Baringo South bandit attack


Two people were on Thursday evening killed in a banditry attack in Kiserian, Baringo South.

The two, who were herding their livestock at Bartulo Hill, were ambushed by armed criminals suspected to be from the neighbouring Tiaty Sub-County at 4pm.  

During the attack, the minor died on the spot after being shot in the head, while Mr Lokuyalem Lemilita, 70, who was shot in the back, died while being rushed to hospital.

The grade four pupil at Kiserian Primary School had accompanied his grandfather to herd their livestock when the criminals struck before driving away an unknown number of livestock towards Ramacha Hills at the border of Tiaty Sub-County.

According to Mr Domininic Kateiya, the locals had raised the alarm three days ago after spotting armed men in the village.

Tension is high in the area following the attack and locals are living in fear of attacks by bandits.

Livestock stolen

“It is unfortunate that we have lost two lives, the criminals have also made away with an unknown number of livestock,” said Mr Kateiya.

Baringo South Sub-County Police Commander Benjoliffe Munuve said that the two bodies were moved to the Baringo County Hospital mortuary in Kabarnet.

“The criminals suspected to be from Tiaty Sub-County ambushed an old man and his grandchild some few kilometers from Kiserian village and shot them before driving away their livestock,” said Mr Munuve.

 “We have deployed security officers to pursue the criminals,” he added.

He urged the locals to remain calm and desist from any retaliatory attacks as they pursue the perpetrators. The incident happened barely two weeks after criminals invaded the same village and made away with more than 40 goats.

Young boys

The armed med ambushed the young boys and fired shots to scare them before driving away the livestock.

Security personnel have not been spared either. A military officer was gunned down a month ago in a daring banditry attack at the border of Baringo South and Tiaty East Sub-counties.

The latest incident brings to four the number of people killed in Baringo South in two months.

Recently, Baringo South MP Charles Kamuren claimed that armed criminals, who fled the ongoing security operation in the neighbouring Tiaty East and Tiaty West sub-counties, were hiding in Mukutani, Arabal and Kasiela villages in his constituency.

“The government should flush out the armed criminals wreaking havoc in this region,” said Kamuren.

The residents have accused the government of being lenient on armed criminals.  

“We do not understand why civilians in possession of illegal firearms are being left to roam villages freely despite an ongoing operation to flush them out,” complained Betty Lakangaran, a resident.

Despite the efforts by the government and multi-agency teams to restore order in the region, banditry attacks continue to be reported in Mukutani, Kiserian, Kasiela and Arabal villages in Baringo South.

The government has been doing a disarmament exercise in Baringo, Turkana, Laikipia and Samburu counties.   BY DAILY NATION   

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