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No pay for MPs' staffers after salary money used in bailing out goons


We recently told you of a first-term MP from Nyanza whose staffers have gone for three months without salaries after he used their money to pay hirelings. Well, the lot may as well prepare for more months of waiting for their pay. The youths, who cost them their salaries, were arrested for attacking a rival camp and are due to be arraigned. We are told that the lawmaker is seeking to raid the employees’ salaries coffers once again to raise bail for the 15 hirelings in police custody. The affected staff are worried their debts are piling up by the day.



Two lawmakers have become the talk of the corridors of Parliament following their recent involvement in a mission to save a state officer who had run into trouble with the oversight authorities. The women are accused of leading a team that was out to clean up the beleaguered politician. They are said to have set a base not far from where the fellow was later to be roasted for presiding over illegalities. Corridors is apprised that lucky politicians reaped big from the hospitality of the two women MPs, whose mission is said was more of saving a member of the family.


Who is this senior procurement officer in one of the parastatals in the Trade ministry who has caught the attention of MPs? On Tuesday, members of a House Committee were overheard saying the man is under siege. The officer was interdicted by the CEO of the parastatal over insubordination and sabotage claims. The officer went to court with the support of the parastatal chairman and was able to get a favourable ruling which allowed the officer to resume work. However, the CEO appealed the ruling.  Since the procurement officer colluded with the chairman to sabotage the CEO, the latter has threatened to write to the EACC and hand over the procurement officers’ fake academic documents.  BY THE STAR  

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