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6 steps to choosing a course you are truly interested in


With the recent release of KCSE results, many students are preparing to enrol to institutions of higher learning. However, for many of them, the biggest challenge lies in deciding which course to pursue. Here are some pointers to consider when making that decision.

Attend Open Days
Different universities, colleges and TVETs organise open days where students can interact and know what courses are offered in the particular institutions. It is not strange or foolish for individuals to know about a particular course and be clueless about what it entails. If you are thinking of pursuing interior design, go find out exactly what you will learn during the course.

Follow Your Passion
Last week, a parent posted on a Facebook group lamenting that “I took part of my savings and enrolled my daughter to a beauty school. Months after graduation, I have never seen her attend to any client.” Later, she revealed that her daughter had no interest in hair and beauty. If you wish to excel in a particular field, go for something you really enjoy doing.

Be Practical
Before choosing a course, do your research to find out if you can practice it in your country, and if it is marketable. For instance, Foley is an emerging career in filmmaking but it is yet to gain popularity in Kenya majorly because the film industry in Kenya is still small.

Consider the Future
With the rapid technological advancements, a field of study that is lucrative today could become obsolete within no time. As such, before you decide on what you want to do, conduct research and find jobs that are tipped to remain relevant for long.

Talk to Professional Advisors
Nowadays, there are many career coaches and consultants in every part of the country. With conferencing platforms such as Zoom, you can engage advisors from wherever you are. Some charge a fee while others offer their services at no cost. One way to find them is through platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook.

Can you Switch?
If your first choice is medicine but you have an inkling that you might want to change to say, a business course down the line, you need to understand that the core classes are completely different. So, when you change courses, you will have to start from scratch.    BY DAILY NATION   

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