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Sossion signals plan to hold Knut national elections


Kenya National Union of Teachers secretary general Wilson Sossion has issued a notice for the annual delegates conference and the union elections.

In a circular dated April 22, Sossion instructed branch executive committees to urgently convene meetings to nominate delegates who will attend the ADC.

He, however, did not divulge details on the date and venue of the national conference. The details will be communicated later, he said.

"This notice is meant to guide branches to adequately prepare for the ADC and all organs of the union to effectively play their roles in ensuring a successful ADC," Sossion said in the circular.

He said the union was undergoing a financial crisis arising from a raid on its coffers by the Teachers Service Commission.

"We are currently in a bad financial state following the attack on our check-off system by the Teachers Service Commission/government. We are liaising with partners locally and internationally to mobilise resources to enable us to hold the ADC successfully," Sossion said in a letter addressed to the TSC.

The letter is also copied to acting union chairman Collins Oyuu, national treasurer John Matiang'i, all branch officials and relevant government labour agencies.

Sossion said the major agenda of the ADC will be elections to fill positions of members of the national steering committee and national executive council, and the adoption of various reports for urgent resolutions by the ADC.

He asked each region to nominate one candidate for each NEC slot as per the  tradition to reduce confusion at the ADC.

"Regional councils that have not convened should do so to organise their regions and strictly nominate one candidate for every NEC slot as is the custom and practice of Knut to reduce confusion at the ADC," the notice reads.

"The nominees of the regional councils to the NEC positions shall be forwarded to the office of the secretary general together with the minutes of the regional councils?'

According to the Knut constitution, notice on the ADC should be issued at least two months before the conference.

The membership of the union has reduced from over 180,000 members to less than 20,000.

Knut top officials led Oyuu are accusing Sossion of orchestrating the current woes facing the union.   BY THE STAR  

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