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Deputy governor exposing his boss over fears of being dropped


A deputy governor has resorted to besmirching his boss after suspecting the existence of plans to drop him in the next election. The county’s second, in command in what is now shaping up as a full-blown rebellion against the governor, has resorted to leaking damning documents and information to bloggers to attack the boss and criticise the manner the county is being run. Insiders intimated to Corridors of Power that the marriage between the once political buddies has gone to the wire and the county chief is now cautious with what to share with his deputy.

A second-term MP from Western Kenya is said to be so bold to the extent of awarding bursaries to his close associates and well-to-do members of society who toe his line. During the last disbursements, a senior official at the county commissioner's office is said to be among those who benefited from the kitty. Further still, a close aide to the lawmaker is also cited as among those whose children have been consistently getting bursaries. The angry residents are now calling on Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission boss Twalib Mbarak to swing into action and bring all those involved in the scam to book, even as they plan a demonstration to expose their legislator.

A county assembly speaker in Nyanza has gone to bed with the executive and follows the governor wherever the latter goes hence rendering the assembly powerless. The man recently pledged to the governor that any motion touching on accountability of CEC members will not see the light of day. Recently, the speaker mobilised MCAs in his camp to extort cash from a CEC who was facing accountability queries then blocked an ouster motion that was in the pipeline. Some alarmed residents told Corridors that they are suffering as the assembly was their only hope for checks on the atrocities being meted on them.


Still in Nyanza assemblies, a deputy clerk at one of the oversight entities is a restless man. MCAs tricked him into the withdrawal of Sh10 million for bribery to beat oversight. No sooner had the dust settled than EACC detectives came knocking demanding documentation to justify the withdrawal and MCAs who benefited. The man facilitated another Sh1.8 million that was reportedly handed to a governor aspirant. The man was enticed by the MCAs on the promise they’d approve his appointment as a substantive clerk. He lost the bid after the county service board picked an outsider.    BY THE STAR  

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