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Mwingi Matatu operators left hopeless by Covid lockdown


Matatu operators in Mwingi Central, Kitui county, have expressed fears over harsh economic times ahead following the cessation of movement in and out of five counties.

President Uhuru Kenyatta on Friday announced a lockdown in Nairobi, Machakos, Kajiado, Nakuru and Kiambu counties following the third wave of coronavirus that is proving to be more deadly.

Speaking in Mwingi town, the operators urged President Kenyatta to consider their livelihoods as they have no other means of survival apart from the matatu business.

George Musyini, a matatu conductor plying the Mwingi-Nairobi route, said after trying to cope with hiked fuel prices, they now have to battle harsh economic times as they have been rendered jobless.

"We solely depend on the matatu business but now we can hardly move following the lockdown orders by Uhuru," said Musyimi.

Onesmus Musyoki, a car wash operator, said in the neighbouring countries it is business as usual and wondered why Kenyans have been placed under lockdown yet the government is not cushioning people against the measures.

"I have no vehicles to wash now since most have been grounded following the cessation order," Musyoki said.

Jackson Kimanzi, an eggs seller in Mwingi, said his business has been severely affected as there are no passengers heading to and from Nairobi.

Kimanzi said he sells his eggs inside buses plying Mwingi-Nairobi and since they are not operational, he is scared of going back home with his stock.  BY THE STAR  

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