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KCSE examinations kick off


The 2020/21 Form Four national exams began on Friday across the country, with 751,150 candidates eligible to write the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) tests.

As was the case with the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examinations, which ended on Wednesday, the exams will be tightly monitored by the Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) and security agencies to ward off malpractices.

The candidates will start with English functional skills testing at 8am and later write English comprehension, literary appreciation and grammar tests in the afternoon.

Here is a round-up of how the day one of the examinations kicked off.

  • Kisii 

In Kisii, Education CS Prof George Magoha supervised the distribution of test papers  at the county commissioner offices.

He said no cheating has been detected so far and that officials are closely monitoring schools in Kisii, Migori and Homa Bay counties.

  • Meru

In Meru County, Skills Development PS Alfred Cheruiyot said the Ministry of Education has put in place measures to ensure that the examinations are credible.

The PS said officers from the Education ministry headquarters had joined their colleagues in various centres across the country to help them supervise distribution and invigilation of the tests.

“We have been supporting our field officers in this exercise and will ensure the exams are credible. These exams are being done in difficult times when we are battling the Covid-19 pandemic and we will do our best to support our officers,” said Mr Cheuiyot.

He spoke at the Meru County headquarters when he opened the examination container and supervised distribution of examination materials to school principals

  • Nyeri

Kenya National Examination Council (Knec) Chairman John Onsati oversaw the opening of the container in Nyeri Central Sub county.

He commended the KCPE team for a flawless exercise urging the centre managers, supervisors and students to emulate them and  have a credible exam.

“All examination that we are going to offer has been secured fully up to this point. They have been properly guarded all in the name of giving a level playing ground for the children and it is going to continue from the container now to the centres and back,” he said.

Mr Onsati maintained that security would be beefed up during the examination seeing as every school would have at least two police officers.

“All the institutions will have two police officers to safeguard the examination. We are not going to compromise the quality at any stage,” he said.

  • Tharaka Nithi

At least one KCSE candidate in Tharaka Nithi County is expected to start for the examination in a labour ward at the Chuka County Referral Hospital.

In the county, a total of 10,981 candidates are set to sit for the examination; 5,764 girls and 5,217 boys.

Speaking during the distribution of examination papers in Chuka town, Tharaka Nithi County Commissioner Beverly Opwora warned that any form of examination malpractices will land culprits in trouble.  BY DAILY NATION  

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