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Jumwa blames coast MPs for betraying Kingi


Malindi MP Aisha Jumwa says the bid for Coast unity may not succeed because some local leaders are double crossing Governors Amason Kingi (Kilifi) and his Mombasa colleague Hassan Joho.

Ms Jumwa, who is Deputy President William Ruto’s regional pointperson, told Mr Kingi to tread carefully when dealing with local lawmakers “because they praise Joho at night and sing Kingi’s unity songs during the day”.

During an event to mark the International Women’s Day in Vipingo on Monday, Ms Jumwa said she supports Mr Kingi’s campaign to unite the region through a Coast-based political party.

The event was attended by Mr Kingi and nine lawmakers from Kilifi county. 

“Kindly deal with my colleagues with caution. They will support you in “Tufe” (the slogan for Coast unity) and dump you to back Joho’s presidency bid through the Orange Democratic Movement,” Ms Jumwa told the Kilifi governor. 

The MPs present and who pledged to back Mr Kingi’s drive were Woman Representative Gertrude Mbeyu, Ken Chonga (Kilifi South), Teddy Mwambire (Ganze), William Kamoti (Rabai), Paul Katana (Kaloleni), Christine Zawadi (Nominated), Senator Stewart Madzayo and several ward representatives.

The two ODM governors, who are in their last terms, disagreed on the Coast unity formula last month.

Presidential bid

Mr Joho believes matters affecting the Coast can best be addressed through ODM. He argued that the party has kept the region united for many years and called on locals to back his presidential bid on an ODM ticket next year. 

Mr Kingi, on the other hand, says the issues can be addressed through a Coast-based political party or coalition.

Already, the Kilifi governor has begun talks with the leaders of Kadu-Asili, Umoja Summit, Devolution and Shirikisho parties to form a coalition and announce their presidential flagbearer.

Ms Jumwa and other leaders pushing for the new outfit have not announced or registered one.

Early last month, about 25 lawmakers from the Coast accompanied Mr Joho to Garsen in Tana River county to drum up support for the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI).

Later, they endorsed him as the region’s kingpin and spokesman.

On February 20, Senator Madzayo, his Kwale colleague Issa Boy and Mombasa’s Mohamed Fakii, together with Ms Mbeyu, Ms Zawadi and Mombasa Woman Rep Asha Hussein, accompanied Mr Joho to Lamu where they campaigned for BBI and endorsed his presidential bid through ODM.

Coastal region unity

The governor was also accompanied by Mr Mwambire, Mr Chonga, Mr Kamoti, Likoni MP Mishi Mboko, Mvita’s Abdulswamad Sharif Nassir, Dan Mwashako (Wundanyi), Stanley Muthama (Lamu West)  and several others. 

Mr Kingi’s bid to unite the region through a Coast-based party had been supported by leaders allied to Deputy President William Ruto until late January when their plot to take over Kadu-Asili was thwarted.

Ms Jumwa declared Mr Kingi the Coast kingpin and asked lawmakers to have faith in him.

“I am a principled person who cannot be enticed with Sh20,000,” she said. 

The Malindi MP dismissed Mr Joho’s endorsement as the region’s spokesman, saying the governor does not have supporters beyond Mombasa. 

Mr Kingi told off leaders opposed to the call for Coast unity.

“Coast has been known for squatters for decades. Being a  political squatter is a decision that must be dealt with now,” he said.   BY DAILY NATION   

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