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Demons defiled my step-daughter not me, suspect tells court


A man accused of defiling his 12-year-old stepdaughter shocked a Kibera court Wednesday when he claimed that demons and ghosts were responsible.

PQ  is accused of defiling KL on diverse dates between August 6 and August 9 in 2014 in Kawangware Gatina area. He said the demons committed the offence after his wife took the girl to a witchdoctor.

“She took her to a witch doctor and thereafter she became insane, this created room for the demons and ghosts to defile her as they were angered by the girl’s behaviour of sleeping with other men,” he told senior principal magistrate Esther Boke.

He also told the court that the girl had promised to teach him a lesson, accusing him of exploiting her sexually and dumping her.

“She visited my house a certain night and asked me why I intended to use her sexually and dump her and I was shocked with her words. She stayed at my house that night and the said ghosts and demons accompanied her, that night I did not defile her,” he told the court.

He said the incident happened for some days and he witnessed it. “I felt a lot of fear, I felt weak throughout my body, I even lacked the energy to do anything,” he said.

The accused told the court that he was forced to beat up the child at some point when she tried to grab his collar.

“I slapped her and told her that I was a prayerful man and the ghosts she intended to unleash on me were going to do nothing as I was a man of God,” he added.

The accused told the court that at the time, he was living with his brother in a single-room house in Kawangware and that the brother was a witness to the happenings.

He said the girl was sane before her mother took her to the witch doctor, but things changed right after the visit.

Prosecutor Nancy Kerubo challenged him to explain to the court why he linked the demons to the defilement charges.

“Please tell this honourable court why the court should believe your ghosts and demons' stories and ignore the minor’s story on how she was defiled,” Kerubo said.

The accused said the child’s story was false as she only wanted to get  him in trouble. He also told the court that the doctor’s report presented in court does not show that he defiled the girl.

Earlier, the child had testified that the accused defiled her. She told the court that the accused was with her in their sitting room as he was repairing a TV when he defiled her.

“He was wearing a short while repairing the TV then all of a sudden, he held my hand, took me to his bed and defiled me,” she told the court.

The magistrate directed the matter be mentioned after 21 days to allow him to make submission before the court makes its verdict in the case.  BY THE STAR   

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