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Mwilu warns judicial officers against delaying justice


Acting Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu has warned magistrates and judges that they will be sacked for delaying justice.

In her second public engagement in Narok after retired Chief Justice David Maraga handed over to her, Mwilu said judicial officers should serve the public effectively and facilitate justice without being influenced.

“When you are misguided to do wrong things you have no otherwise but to face the Judicial Service Commission and your job might end there,” Mwilu said.

She made the remarks after opening the High Court and the Environment and Land Court sub-registries at Kilgoris law courts on Thursday.

Mwilu said she had received complaints about corrupt judicial officers.

“Remember taxpayers' money is used to pay your salaries and you should work in accordance with the law,” she said.

The CJ told judicial staff unhappy with their jobs to resign instead of ruining the image of the entire institution.

“If you are in the Judiciary and incapable of doing your job, please do us a favour and move out," Mwilu said.

She reminded judges and magistrates to use alternative dispute mechanisms to resolve some cases.

Mwilu also decried child marriages and early pregnancies in Narok and called upon county government to do everything possible to end the vices.

“Impregnating young girls is ruining our society. We should let girls be girls and not mothers at an early age,” she said.

She said the penalties for the vices are stiff and if anyone is caught they will spend their lives in jail.

Narok Governor Samuel Tunai called for the posting of more judicial officers in the region to handle early pregnancy and child marriage cases which are rampant in the county.

He urged the MPs to review laws on the vices, saying that hefty punishments should be meted on the culprits.

The county boss called on Parliament to allocate the Judiciary more money so that they can undertake their work effectively and ensure Kenyans get justice in time.

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